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=== Junior Health Inspector ===
=== Junior Health Inspector ===
On the Day of Mourning, the Dragonmarked houses saw that the end of the Last War was fast approaching. Vinster, originally slated for field work with Denieth blademarks, was given his first assignment: Junior Health Inspector for the hostelers guild. The Viceroy himself explained that, as a trained fighter, he would be able to deal with the more troublesome hostelers. Cyrian Refugees began arriving almost immediately, and standards needed to be upheld.
On the Day of Mourning, the Dragonmarked houses saw that the end of the Last War was fast approaching. Vinster, originally slated for field work with Denieth blademarks, was given a different job for his first assignment: Junior Health Inspector for the hostelers guild. The Viceroy himself explained that, as a trained fighter, he would be able to deal with the more troublesome standards. With refugees pouring in from Cyre, standards needed to be upheld.
Vinster took on his new assignment with pride. After a year of shadowing other inspectors, he began attending to the higher-risk areas of Sharn: inns and taverns operated by destitute refugees in High Wall who would lose it all from a failed inspection, and the strange establishments in the goblin slums of Malleon's Gate, where even the Sharn watch feared to tread.
Vinster took on his new assignment with pride. After a year shadowing other inspectors, he began attending to the higher-risk areas of Sharn. He visited inns and taverns operated by destitute refugees in High Wall who would lose it all from a failed inspection, and the strange establishments in the goblin slums of Malleon's Gate, where even the Sharn watch fear to tread.

Revision as of 19:45, 13 April 2019

Vinster d'Ghallanda
Vincent dGhallanda.jpg
Would you care for a drink?
Job(s)Health Inspector, Cook
Character SheetDnD Beyond

Health Inspector Vinster d'Ghallanda is an affable halfling who works for the Hostelers Guild.


Vinster is an affable gentleman who always aims to please. He is always well-dressed. With the Mark of Hospitality, he can turn even the grumpiest person into a friend. If things look rough, Vinster will always try to get everyone comfortable instead of fight.

Having grown up as a Ghallanda scion, Vinster is fiercely loyal to the House. One day, Vinster hopes to climb the ladder and oversee operations for a whole nation. He believes in some aspects of the Korth Edicts, particularly limiting the scarier houses like Denieth and Cannith, but wishes Ghallanda could own the land for their establishments.

He is well-known throughout Sharn, having spent time working in most of the Gold Dragon Inns and other bonded hosteler businesses in town. If you need to find a drink or a game, Vinster can direct you to just the right establishment.


Early Life

Vinster was born to an unimportant House Ghallanda branch family in 968 YK. Vinster knew his birth parents only briefly; they were detached to a group of mercenaries from House Deneith, and the whole unit was lost. He has no memory of them.

Vinster was instead raised by the House. He was shuffled between the Gold Dragon Inns of Sharn. He was put to work bussing tables, tapping ale barrels, cleaning rooms, and preparing ingredients for meals. All the while, a sense of duty to the House was instilled in him.

At age twelve, Vincent undertook his Test of Siberys: one hundred goblins turned up at a quiet Gold Dragon Inn and Vincent was the only staff member around. He manifested the Mark of Hospitality on his left bicep, and was able to churn out over a hundred plates of roast beast.

Later that day, Viceroy Keslo d'Ghallanda decided that Vinster should be trained by a Deneith blademark, so that he may successfully follow in his parent's footsteps. Neltyuun d'Deneith was contracted and they spent every afternoon together for the next eight years. Vinster became skilled with the bow, but with the end of the Last War, interest in contracting members of the house to Deneith units waned.

Vinster took an interest in cooking when he was fourteen. With a pinch of salt and a nudge with prestidigitation, he found that he could turn the humblest of potatoes into an hors d'oeuvre fit for King Galifar's table. He has participated in a number of Hostelers Guild shokugeki, although he has not been able to beat the more seasoned dragonmarked chefs.

Junior Health Inspector

On the Day of Mourning, the Dragonmarked houses saw that the end of the Last War was fast approaching. Vinster, originally slated for field work with Denieth blademarks, was given a different job for his first assignment: Junior Health Inspector for the hostelers guild. The Viceroy himself explained that, as a trained fighter, he would be able to deal with the more troublesome standards. With refugees pouring in from Cyre, standards needed to be upheld.

Vinster took on his new assignment with pride. After a year shadowing other inspectors, he began attending to the higher-risk areas of Sharn. He visited inns and taverns operated by destitute refugees in High Wall who would lose it all from a failed inspection, and the strange establishments in the goblin slums of Malleon's Gate, where even the Sharn watch fear to tread.