Lady Noire

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 18:49, 13 March 2020 by Miyuki (talk | contribs) (Origin Story)
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Origin Story

Part I: The Entrance

A dark and stormy night,
lit only by the dim glow
of coin, passing
from one dirty hand
to a dirtier hand.

Nothing more exciting
than a good story, but
even dust bunnies
could perk my pointy ears up

That is to say,
I am bored
out of my fucking mind.

Leather, rusted copper,
and musk. Without drama,
yet, the mood transformed
with his first step.

Broad shouldered and
more confident than a torero facing down
his bull. Eyes locked
and walking my way, waving
a red flag
into the path of unknown danger.

That is to say,
he did not look boring.

Part II: The Party

Muddy blobs of color
as if I were nearsighted
and had forgotten my spectacles
beside my bed that morning.

Indistinct voices swallowing
my head, drowning
my senses and spinning
me dizzy
with numbness,
with elation,
without a care in the world
except for Him.

Leather, rusted copper,
and musk. Sweeping
me off my feet yet again
and into another party.

Dice clattering against felt,
glasses clinking, and
laughter erupting
from my chest,
surprising even myself.

Heart swollen,
I have never wanted more.