Popomoki Blep'mlem

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Popomoki Blep'mlem.png

With his electric blue and frosted orange-tipped fur and his massively adorable eyes, Popomoki aka Popo knew he was born to play the good cop. As soon as his second mouth closed up and he celebrated his sixiñera, Popo marched down to the police station. Cops on Vesk 6 are exclusively Vesk, so it wasn't surprising that the whole station laughed at him when he put in his application; luckily, skittermanders literally don't understand the concept of shame.

But, either by drunken insight, pity, or some skittermander voodoo, the police chief, Szgourdo TopGuns realized that having six tiny hands could maybe prove useful once in a while...

And, so, Popo trained hard and graduated Vesk police academy, receiving his very own badge and gun, which he named Mr Shoody-Shoods. He was assigned a partner, a patient Vesk on his last strike: Rose. Even the chief couldn't have predicted that Rose and Popo would be the best duo the force has seen since the last local war, seven years ago. Together, they discovered and shut down an underground drug ring, and rescued some kittens from a burning building. Later, Popo would discover that these cats did not live such a great life.

It was a rainy day, the last time Popo ever saw Rose. Popo had never seen Rose out of uniform before, and today, she looked stunning in her elegant red gown. Rose was so excited; her husband was finally returning from some war. Popo could never keep track of all of the wars the Vesk were in. Rose asked Popo to pick up some auroch meat; she was going to prepare dinner. Popo returned with the meat, and the door was already open...

Popo dropped the meat (it was heavy), grabbed his gun out of his holster, and peeked inside... A giant Vesk stood in the kitchen, the filtered light obscuring his features so Popo could only see a shadow... He moved his strong arms, lifting Rose into the air, her legs swinging up. His mouth opened and then she was gone. He left nothing but her pinky toe and red dress behind.

Distraught and confused, Popo dropped his gun and vomited, tears filling his eyes. Popo turned in his badge and Mr Shoody-Shoods the next day; he could not serve the force without his partner. Popo needed to figure out how to bring Rose back and find her killer, whom he only knew as The WifeEater. He had heard of something called necromancy, and thought, maybe this is how we bring Rose back. So, Popo head off to mage academy, while he learned how to hone his innate magical abilities.

After mage school, Popo felt lost and confused, but accidentally entered himself into a HappyCo contest. He was the only survivor in his cohort, surviving mostly because the others refused to eat tofinkle. Mr Happy provides all the tofinkle Popo could ever want, and in return, Popo does whatever Mr Happy wants, which is why Popo finds himself in a crate like some low-life hobo stowaway, recounting his story to some retarded cat-monster...