Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-02-02

From Spinach Inquisition
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Ship upgrade!

+20 BP = 8 (med bay) + 10 (light particle beam) PCU of 150 = 99 + 4 (med bay) + 10 (light particle beam)

Light particle beam attached to Forward hard point. 3d6 medium range weapon.

Doing it

  • Gowena brings Junk to a shirren crooked "doctor" to fix Junk's parasite for 30 credits.
    • Pours weird green fluid on Junk's arm
  • Tierno projects Mr Happy from his anus for a teleconference
    • 3 century old text that matches some of the symbols from the Drift Stone
    • Kabarat Univeristy on Castravel?
    • Visit uni and find Halkueem Zan - he wrote the paper on the text
      • Zonnyboy
      • He's an adventurer
  • Gowena upset Mr Happy
  • Drift jump to castravel takes 1 day
  • Castravel is the Lashunta home planet
    • Uni is known for xenoanthropology & xenolinguists
  • Junk cures the parasite just before we arrive and smears poop on the walls!
  • Teirno chimes in: natives are VERY INTO NATURE ~.^
    • Dendrophilia (or less often arborphilia or dendrophily) literally means "love of trees". The term may sometimes refer to a paraphilia in which people are sexually attracted to or sexually aroused by trees.
    • Some of the trees are like fleshlights
    • Most are normal trees
  • Hailed by aviation authorities, they direct us to the uni
    • Arrived at Ship's End, the spaceport. Guard & customs officer meet us.
    • Customs officer talks to El Capitan, Gowena.
    • Junk gives the customs lady (zith's) shoe. She bows and takes it.
    • Trash is mostly green here.
    • No Vesk god shrines here :(
    • Theo tells them Junk might have a parasite
    • They give us travel papers
    • They also take Junk away to hose him down
  • We get a taxi.
    • The taxi robot has a weird voice, so I hack the taxi and give him a more robot-y voice.
    • I also zero out our bill. Fuck yeah nat20.
  • We arrive at the House of the Green God.
    • Gowena makes us all pick a leaf from the nearest tree
    • Gowena bullshits a priest that is upset with us taking the leafs.
  • We arrive at Cabbrat University of XenoBLABLABLA
    • 10 buildings on their campus, lots of green bullshit like grass
  • To the left, there's a building with a lot of journalists hanging out
  • Attune ring to Zan's name
  • Journalists are here because a prof has given a VIOLENTLY XENOPHOBIC lecture
  • Gowena gets recognized by the journos
    • They swarm her and she talks about jizm facial masks
    • Not all tho
  • Uni receptionist still besiged
    • I clear them out with a ghost sound
    • Receptionist is happy that we got rid of the journos, he gives us directions & adds us to Prof Muhali's schedule
    • (Zan is away, Muhali is a standin?)
  • Clean office, Muhali is a girl
  • Gowena says we're from the fucking IRB
    • OH LORDY
  • Muhali doesn't buy our shit. Tells us that we should go "take care" of the problem w/ Ailabiens, the racist prof.
    • He gave an offensive talk on Lashunta war...something?
  • Dr Sostarni has studied Zan's notes most recently
  • Gowena talks to the press and tells her that the chair, Muhali is a shit person who makes up data and abuses undergrads
    • They buy it.
  • We make an appt with Sostarni for tomorrow & head back to the ship to find Junk.
  • Comprehend Language on the stuff from Muhali's office. It's Ancient Elven, fragmented too badly to get any meaning from.
    • Elf is commonly found on Golarian, but some elfs survive. They have pointy ears and look human.
  • We rest for the night.
    • In the morning, several smear stories run on the planetary news about Muhali.
    • Uni has issued statements trying to put a stop to these stories.
  • The Dean is here and he is pissed at us.
    • Junk throws shit at him because he won't accept the shoe.
  • Sostarni's office is locked, no response. We hack the door and find the office a total mess.
    • Hacks his computer
    • Muhali gave him a 2 month sabatical & Muhali let him leave early.
      • I can tell the letter letting him leave early is a (good) forgery.
      • 15 messages between Sostari & Gokulol?
      • Final message specifies a meeting at Five Arches cantina.
      • Tree porn
      • He's Kasathen tho, so there's some kasathen porn too
      • ** Loot Lashunta somethingweave armour for a kasathen
  • I have Tierno send the media a vid of the dean covered in shit
  • Receptionist bids us good day!