Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-02-09

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 00:39, 22 March 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Doing It == * Enter 5 Arches cantina, see BOUNCERS * Bouncers are Vesk and want to be frans with Volkas * I badly hide my gun in cheek pouch * Several ROUGISH LOOKING FIGU...")
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Doing It

  • Enter 5 Arches cantina, see BOUNCERS
  • Bouncers are Vesk and want to be frans with Volkas
  • I badly hide my gun in cheek pouch
  • Several ROUGISH LOOKING FIGURES at the bar
  • Order single malt scotch
  • Shady dude got Sostarni some travel papers
    • Gowena tries to get him to move chemicals
    • Sostarni went to Ukulam with his BOIZ
      • Muhali mentioned it too
      • Area on Castravel
  • Junk tries to steal the Shady Dude's knife
    • Shady dude does not take kindly to this, summons his Boiz to beat Junk up
  • Ask bartender about regulars
    • Twonas En (Shady Guy) - smuggler
    • Don Toadleone - crime baws. Might be hiring for some folks to head into the jungle and get something.
  • Don wants a certain beast from Ukulan in Castravel
    • Offers 1k per head, double for a female
    • Gowena pissed him off, 500 credits per head
    • Renkroda is the beast
  • I stepped in Junk's poop.
  • Gowena tells Twonas that the Don thinks he's a total bitch. Twonas gets scared and clears the fuck out.
  • To the port authority! One of Don's bois waves us to a Teleportation Gate.
    • Asks Teirno to access map. Forest is on another continent.
    • Yoloswag: into the gate.
  • Arrived at old military base, Trihallo Point.
    • On a plain with big tree-size fungus
    • Base has a gate, quartermaster, (guarded) motor pool
    • QM is in legit military uniform
  • QM thinks we're responsible enough to lease us a jeep, 250 credits
  • Jungle is NW. I drive jeep NW
    • Volkas saved a diplomat from anit-pact vesk who tried bombing the dude
    • Gowena insists Volkas ate his wife & fled veskarium
    • Tierno was made by HappyCo Robotics, IS PROPERTY.
      • Friendship is binary.
      • Created to accompany us.
      • Favorite tofinkle flavour is Charged Circuit
  • We find a herd of Yarricks (junk doesn't tell anyone they are yarricks)
  • Drive around the yarricks.
    • Some asshole shoots at them and it triggers STAMPEDE
    • They come for us. Fuck
    • Theo does a U and drives straight into them, gets through
    • They turn around and stampede at us
    • Theo does a U again, they turn again
    • Junk shoots one, we distract some with a smoke grenade
    • Yarrick kills a tree and I ram it. We fly out.
    • 7 coming at us. Junk hides.
    • Theo summons big-ass garrakagal holograph, scares off four yarricks. 3 left.
    • Escape across a stone bridge
    • A yarrick tries to follow, bridge gives way lol. INTO THE CHASM WITH YOU.
  • Junk is fucking around with fire. GIANT MONSTER APPEARS and FUCKING BODIES HIM. Junk is DYING.
    • Volkas jumps in to assist dying Junk.
    • Vracinea - carniverous plant
    • Set dat shit on FIGURES
  • Monkey things see we set all the shit on fire, jump in a well, and put the fire out.
    • They are cross about us setting the forest on fire.
    • Junk gives it a vomit-filled shoe, monkey tastes vomit
    • Gowena has an idea to give them banana tofinkle
  • We camp out with the monkeys.
    • Monkey "friends" stealth into camp
  • Vracinea was guarding a 7-foot tall obelisk made of stone
    • Comprehend languages on this: "Loskialua, Monastery of Starsong, Monastery of Spheres, Temple of the Twelve", "pay respect to messengers from the beyond", "interpreters of the beacon"
    • Temple is further on; it isn't the ruins.
  • Monkey does not speak english
    • I make an elf hologram & the monkeys seem to recognize it
    • They point <NORTH>