Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-03-16

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 00:42, 22 March 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Doing it == * Gowena is covered in a spinach cocoon ** 100% pure spinach * Theo takes the Lesser Gluon CRYSTAL * Cool metal door with interlacing metal that is an open loc...")
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Doing it

  • Gowena is covered in a spinach cocoon
    • 100% pure spinach
  • Theo takes the Lesser Gluon CRYSTAL
  • Cool metal door with interlacing metal that is an open lock
  • Open doors
  • SWEEPING ARCS OF CONSTELLATIONS in the room with MATHS on them
    • Orientation is scientifically precise!
    • Shows a year of migration
    • Two unknown constellations
      • Jagged 6 star line
        • One of them is a coded instruction !!!
      • Perfect 12-star circle
  • Star gallery with windows allowing light in
    • A TRAP is activated when I walk into the middle, causing a starshower
    • The pattern on the floor means something to HANZ
  • Find a woman tied up, she motions to the west but stays silent
    • Probably gunna be some fuckers
    • Theo calls the cultists over and fails to bullshit them
  • Main cultist lady (Avissa, but dont know her name yet) has a kinetic gun with some kind of rampup time
    • Junk is v.diseased, but he gives no fucks and rolls a 29 on stealth and a 25 to hit lmao
    • She has a BATTLE GLOVE that she's gunna punch Volkas with
    • Volkas smashes a cultist and 1-hit KOs it
    • She pulls out a detonator and BLOWS THE WEST PART OF THE TEMPLE THE FUCK UP. God damnit.
    • Loots:
      • Squad Machine Gun
      • Slightly used detonator
      • Battle Glove
      • Defiant Long Sword x2
      • Utility Scattergun x2
      • Shock Grenade
  • Found Doctor Sostarni!
    • Kidnapped by fake "Dr Kakiwald"
    • Was actually a lashunta that was persuing some of Zan's bullshit
    • Temple was originally for for another god, shifted as the elves fixated on a set of 12 stars
    • Western wing was mostly artistic
  • Central room has The Lore we want, Sostinari knows how to open the door.
    • Room has a spiral staircase
    • 2 Lore Guardians
    • HANZ talks to them in elven and they don't murder us
    • I find "Gate of the 12 Suns" in the library
      • Mentions the constellation we Found & how the elves discovered it
      • It gave them prophetic visions
      • Ebra (a god) is mentioned quite a bit
      • Scholar who wrote this proposes the constellation was a gateway that HERALDS THE END TIMES by destroying the stars
      • Junk throws a shoe at Sostinari when she questions why an ice cream man wants to know about The End Times
      • HANZ has to talk the lore guardians out of murdering junk
      • Zan has been dead for a long time
        • Nobody believed him
      • Upstairs is an observation platform
      • Sostarni found a crystal
      • She won't show me. I daze and execute her on this platform.
      • It is an Ability Crystal for Int or Wisdom or Cha
  • When exiting the temple, we run into the cult leader and two goons.
    • He tries to blow up the temple, but his detonator does nothing because it's already blown up.
    • Theo tries to tell him to fuck off but he won't take a hint


  • murder them