Starfinder:Adventure Log/2019-05-31

From Spinach Inquisition
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Doing It

  • Popo spoogles how to be a uraine therapist
    • rolls a 3, finds a site offering a 1h training course + certification
  • Party thinks Theo is weird, but Theo says he is fine
  • Popo has the detector & we head for the doctor office
    • Energy weapons fire.
    • H4NZ thinks somebody shot an insect.
    • Wounded guards, bitten & friendly-fire electrical burns
    • Dr.┬áSidrani says hello to us, needs help
      • Some creatures came from vents, giant moth type things
      • Ran back into the vent after being shot
  • While weΓÇÖre fucking around, Billy is trying to punch down VorilynnΓÇÖs door
    • Was trying all night, fell asleep in front of the door
  • Sidrani calls Vorilynn to see if she can identify the moth thing
    • Billy is awoken by her exiting from her hut.
    • Billy murders Vorilynn with mayo.
  • Theo asks Indigo-13 & Romi if they are ok
    • Indigo says itΓÇÖs fine, they had just heard noises and came to look
    • Romi offers their help if weΓÇÖre investigating, Theo says yes
  • H4NZ scores some tozolft (antidepressant) for Theo
    • Theo does not take any
  • Enter tech lab, find Gloomwing
    • It is dead
    • Ghost Detector doesnΓÇÖt beep, but it does change to a dark purple colour!
      • Dark purple & black have come up before in the presence of the curse
    • Extraplanar-ish creature
    • Popo identifies it as a gloomwing, native to the plane of shadow
    • Can slip into material plane when barrier between planes is thin
    • DonΓÇÖt wanna breathe the silver dust; itΓÇÖs DrUgZ
    • Died from the injuries sustained during the earlier fight w/ guards
    • Oh fuck, it recently laid eggs.
      • Puts them in the body of smaller creatures, via biting.
    • Theo lets Dr know about the guard likely carrying gloomwing eggs
    • Theo lets Bruce know about the biohazard in the tech lab
  • Romi notices spots of dust along a wall
    • Seekrit door !
    • Door to maintenance tunnels
    • Theo opens it & the crew heads in!
      • No reading from the ghost detector
  • We find the corpse of Cthesa, the shirren journalist that went missing.
    • Worms emerge from the corpse as H4NZ inspects it
    • Strang pattern on its wings that shifts as you look at it
    • Volkas smashes bugs into paste with Swoop Hammer full attacks
    • Theo vaporizes a worm and fucks the Gloomwing up with some LIGHTNING~
    • H4NZ murders the Gloomwing
  • Theo pops a pill to make H4NZ stop harassing him about it
  • PopoΓÇÖs SpaceMail dings & gets Certified as an Official Uryne Therapiss
  • Billy tells CHIVES that he murdered Vorliynn
    • CHIVES mishears, gives him a bloody mary w/ mayo
    • Great insane sequence
  • Popo dead-speeches Cthesa
    • Cthesa is mostly unhelpful.
    • ΓÇ£Attacked where electronic eyes could seeΓÇ¥
      • Elysia knew?
    • ΓÇ£Cold and hardΓÇ¥
      • Did a CHIVES unit attack Ctesa?
      • Oh no, can the curse do robots too ??
  • Theo gets a call from Dr.┬áSidrani
    • Asks to bring the body back
  • Room has a very old, very complicated & secure biometric door
    • Dwarven door
    • Has a hand scanner
    • Only allows people from Eclipse Innovations
      • This door was installed AFTER the mine was abandoned.
      • Possible that New Elysium staff may be authorized to open it, since theyΓÇÖre partnered w/ Eclipse
  • Explore other tunnels
    • Machine room - water purification & steam pipes
    • Elysia appears down one tunnel!
      • Confidential staff-only room
  • Popo calls Filip and makes Kane (security chief) help us get access to the secure areas
    • Kane is affected by the curse (a little bit)
    • Confront him about body, he says we can review footage
    • Theo hacks the shit out of their computers.
      • Finds more footage! Builds a cognitive agent to find footage of CthesaΓÇÖs murder.
      • Cthesa wandering one night in a trance. Glimmer of light shines off her head, glint of metal.
      • Goes towards Boundless Sun, door opens on its own, reaches out to hug someone she knows
      • Humanoid shadow stalking her as sheΓÇÖs wandering
      • Elysia didnΓÇÖt want us going into the server room for the resort.
    • We show Kane the scrap of metal from CthesaΓÇÖs head
      • He bags it as evidence
    • Kane pays us 250c each
  • Romi doesnΓÇÖt know about the Grinstar -.-;;
    • Indigo does tho !
  • Popo is suspicious of how Rhissona reacted to CthesaΓÇÖs corpse
    • Liked her travel articles
    • DidnΓÇÖt know about her death
    • CthesaΓÇÖs brother died in a car wreck; car wreck (together) is what inspired her to do travel articles
    • This is going nowhere, donΓÇÖt think she did anything :/
    • Oho ho ho, we show her the footage of Cthesa
      • Ghost jangler flickers black & purple as she watches INTENTLY
      • Sense Motive == she got off on watching that *__*
      • Greeting a family member at the end ΓÇöΓÇöΓÇö wait what, she had no family aboard ΓǪ
      • Rhisonna worked for Eclipse before switching to Elysium
    • Popo and Volkas start bullying Rhisonna about doors
      • Sidrani gets annoyed and defends her assistant from our bullying
  • We go to check up on Vorilynn ΓÇô Kane said she was late & heΓÇÖd send some drones to check on her
    • But heΓÇÖs unreliable
    • We find thawing mayo all over the door.
      • Handprints in the mayo
    • Volkas draws his doshko and kicks the door in
      • Door was already broken
    • We find an elven woman covered head-to-toe in mayo on the floor
    • Eyes are frozen open, mouth is a frozen scream
    • Ghost Wangjangler is pitch black
    • Corpse was defiled.
    • We conclude that Billy Naise did this.
  • ΓÇ£Billy Naise here. IΓÇÖm coming for you.ΓÇ¥


  • Still deadened emotion Theo
  • Get money from Sidrani for bringing back CthesaΓÇÖs body ($$$)
  • Do something about the Vorilynn murder