Starfinder:Adventure Log/2019-06-07

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 03:23, 8 June 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs)
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Doing It

  • We suspect Billy killed Vorilynn.
    • We let Kane know
    • Kane eventually shows up, surprised by the mess
    • Kane suggests H4NZ help Sidrani w/ the autopsey (will pay)
  • Kane doesnΓÇÖt know Billy
    • Lucky SOB ΓǪ
    • We tell him about Billy, says heΓÇÖll detail Naise
    • Kane sweeps some of the frozen mayo into an evidence bag
    • We go w/ the guards who take VorilynnΓÇÖs body to the Dr
  • Billy is roaming the station, selling mayo aggressively
    • Looking for more people to murder
    • Destroying cameras w/ mayo
      • Guards notice!
  • Security confronts Billy Naise in an amphitheater.
    • 2 guards, 1 drone
    • Guards realize thereΓÇÖs an APB for him
      • They charge Billy
    • Billy sprays mayo on the ground to trip them
      • ItΓÇÖs not very effective
    • Naise surrenders but has the mayohose concealed
    • The security drone cuffs Naise
    • Naise sleeps (lol?)
    • Drips a trail of frozen mayo as he is dragged off to the brig
  • Kane gets a call RE: NaiseΓÇÖs detainment
    • Goes to question Naise
    • Sidrani inspecting body
    • Cause of death: hypothermia
      • Beaten before death
      • Violated before death
    • Mayo frostbite is weird
    • Symbols drawn into her flesh
      • Theo & Popo take a look
      • Runes, shadow magic runes
      • DonΓÇÖt find anything similar on Cthesa
  • We go down to the brig to ask Billy about the runes
    • Billy Naise is speaking nonsense
    • Sad about Vorilynn dying
    • ΓÇ£You must let us goΓÇ¥
    • Theo summons a hologram of Vorilynn w/ the runes higlighted
    • Billy gets weird messages from The Entity, says ΓÇ£WE MUST SPREADΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£SHE SAYS YOU MUST SEEΓÇ¥
    • Popo tries urine therapy
      • We do a whole thing to purify some urine involving Chives (an innocent soul), a ritual, some grass, and a psychokinetic hand delivering piss to NaiseΓÇÖs face
      • Does not help
    • Theo asks Billy about where to buy more mayo
      • Billy fails a will save, wants to sell but still cursed :-(
      • Everyone tries asking Billy for mayo
        • Eventually Volkas asks for mayo, and Billy Naise makes a breakthrough
        • BREAKS FROM THE CURSE and starts pitching to Volkas
    • Billy does not seem to remember what happened
      • Not sure where he is
      • Flash of VorilynnΓÇÖs corpse, shock
      • Not sure what happened or how
      • ΓÇ£I didnΓÇÖt mean to do it!ΓÇ¥
    • Naise mentions a signal, then breaks down in tears
      • Real name is Kevin Connoley
    • Popo suggests putting Naise on a leash & strapping the ghost detector to him to lead us to the source
    • H4NZ knows there are drugs that can help insane people w/ memory problems
  • H4NZ makes a plan: heΓÇÖll work on illegal drug production, other will canvas resort for other magic users who can help w/ curses
    • We all go to sleep!
    • H4NZ sees eldrich symbols form from tofinkle dripping out of peopleΓÇÖs eye sockets.
      • Clawed hands edge towards H4NZ
      • Mr.┬áHappy made of tofinkle approaches H4NZ.
        • Laughs insanely. ΓÇ£WE MEET AGAIN H4NZ.ΓÇ¥
      • The Mr.┬áHappy grasps H4NZ arm. Feels slick and tofinkle-y. Then disappears.
    • Popo is getting dark purple on the ghost wangjangler from H4NZ
    • Theo offers H4NZ a tozolft
  • Sleepy time
  • Popo gives in to the curse
    • Lines between pleasure & pain are blurred
    • Becomes a masochist!
  • Popo & Volkas go to find magic users (Popo hates being w/ Volkas so it feels so good)
    • They find one of the Brutalis fellows playing chess
    • Technomancer, no particular skill in curses ΓÇô mostly sports-related magic
  • Theo & H4NZ work on meth
    • Sidrani offers us her drug drawer after we explain what we need
    • H4NZ rolls a nat 20 and produces THE BEST SEDATIVE EVER.
  • We meet up @ holding cell
    • H4NZ has the sedative, Popo brought the technomancer
    • Billy has been crying all night
      • Traces of The Entity have come back during the night, but have not possessed him
      • Ad starts playing ΓÇô MayoMash (lol slapchop rap but mayo)
    • Billy isnΓÇÖt cooperating w/ our attempt to give him sedative
      • Theo uses Daze Monster, guard opens cell, H4NZ sends in the drone to prick him w/ drugs
      • Sedative gets rid of the traces of the Entity from BillyΓÇÖs mind
      • Billy is now SUPER HIGH.
    • Billy is too high to answer the questions
      • Starts talking about killing a hooker last year
      • Shot her (accidentally) while jerking off on her
      • I have more than one trigger finger (ΓÇ£the triggerΓÇÖs my penisΓÇ¥)
  • We discuss plans after our attempt to get info from Billy
    • Inspect more people to find black response from wangjangler? Maybe thye have a connection we can follow (or disrupt w/ the sedative)
    • Maybe we can ask Dr.┬áto arrange access to that sealed door? If it goes to the mines, we can try to find the source on our own.
    • Popo puts Billy on a mayohose leash and brings him w/ us
  • As we leave brig, emergency lights go off.
    • Emergency message
    • Facility is now under quarentine due to disease
    • Stewards will arive in 3 days
    • All guests confined to quarters
    • Guards let us bring Billy to clinic
  • Sidrani not into having Billy in her clinic
    • Accepts him though
    • Rhissona examines Billy w/ extreme interest
      • Looking at his eyes
      • Rhissona is dark purple -> black
      • Volkas suggests maybe the thing spreads through the eyes
    • Theo shares concern w/ Dr Sidrani
    • Popo summons Filip & tells him to look at Billy in the eye
      • Colour does not change when Filip does this
  • We decide not to wait for the Stewards.
    • Theo goes invisible and then finds some sedatives in the clinic
    • Popo plays with light to distract people
    • Filip leaves
    • Theo sedates Rhissona and Sidrani
      • They crumple to the floor.
    • We take Rhissona & make her invisible, then let the guards know Sidrani collapsed
    • We sneak through to the tech lab, head into the tunnels
    • Try to open the door w/ limp Rhissona
    • Door opens. ΓÇ£Welcome, Rhissona Averon.ΓÇ¥
  • H4NZ sees a camera glinting in the corner
    • H4NZ hacks it and somebody is like ΓÇ£u wot m8ΓÇ¥
    • ItΓÇÖs ΓÇ£CrawlerΓÇ¥ !
    • Crawler wants to come with us
    • We donΓÇÖt seem to be bothered by this, he comes w/ us
  • Unknown to us, Billy Naise has left the medbay and followed behind the party.


  • Explore the Abyss