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One-shot Eberron Intro

  • In Sharn
    • Long-running civil war
    • Sharn remains neutral, ideal for merchants, travellers, egg salesmen, and refugees
    • Houses persue agendas in Sharn, do politics
  • In the Golden Horn Inn
    • Morgrave Uni employing us
    • Prof.┬áYarnnith Moonsong needs help recovering artifacts
  • Eggsellers yelling at each other
    • Volkas-dwarf agrees with one
    • OΓÇÖhardigan likes hard boiled eggs
  • Skips reaches for an egg, OΓÇÖhardigan goes for her daggers
    • Garret hits OΓÇÖhardigan with Friends
  • Skips gives Garret a coupon for free 20 eggs
    • Garret approves, tells barkeep to get us a round of drinks!
    • Dward approves
  • Wench Inventory
    • Grey hair / grey skin
    • Regal
    • Regular wenches
  • Skips goes to say hello to the grey/grey wench
    • Skips hits on her and throws her money
    • She transforms into a large, burly, hairy man
      • ΓÇ£YouΓÇÖre doing what now.ΓÇ¥
    • Skips gives her a coupon, but she crushes it
  • Dorf is Duandor Mistbeard, Pirate
    • From ΓÇ£The PrincipalitiesΓÇ¥, a bunch of islands, each ruled by a <> prince!
  • ΓÇ£All of your tabs have been closed, airship leaves at dawn!ΓÇ¥
    • Man comes out
    • Looks Important, wearing Fancy Clothing
    • Thuggish people point us towards low rent inns
    • Report to airship dock at dawn
  • Stan overheards prof. speaking to assist
    • ΓÇ£The Boromar pulled a lot of string and paid a lot of coin for thisΓÇ¥
  • We wake up & arrive at Airship Docks
    • Prof nowhere to be seen
    • Assistants are loading us onto The Cloud Sliver
    • Crates being loaded by dockworkers
  • Silver Codex has been asked to assist with loading crates
    • Helps w/out complaint
  • We lift off!
    • OΓÇÖhardigan brought hardboiled egg cart
    • Skips insults a thug over their enjoyment of an egg
    • Starts re-frying scrambled eggs w/ cinnamon
    • Gathering a crowd!
    • Stan OΓÇÖharidgan wonΓÇÖt give me an egg even though I am Ghallanda !
  • Skips offers an egg popsicle (fried scrambled egg on a stick) to Garret
    • Wat.
    • But tries it anyway
    • Not great, peasant food
    • Prestidigitations the cinnamon out w/ black pepper, warms it up
    • Offered hard-boiled egg on a stick by OΓÇÖhardigan
    • Prestidigitations some salt into it, much better
  • OΓÇÖhardigan puts a hard-boiled egg on a stack & gives it to Skips
    • Long argument about eggs on sticks
    • More arguments about eggs on sticks
    • DM: You have free run of the airship right now, but feel free to continue bickering about eggs.
  • OΓÇÖhardigan is making more money than Skips right now!
  • More activity on the deck! People are bringing stuff down from the cargo hold
    • Rope, hooks
  • OΓÇÖhardigan asks an assistant where weΓÇÖre heading
    • HeΓÇÖs kind of a jerk
    • Steals an egg!
  • Duandor determines weΓÇÖre headed off course!
    • We are worried!
  • Someone yells at us to get rope
    • We all look at Silver Codex expectantly
    • Silver Codex sees a door ajar on his rope quest
    • But just gets the rope.
  • OΓÇÖhardigan & Silver Codex overhear:
    • Prof has Cannith connections
    • ThatΓÇÖs how the shipΓÇÖs gunna bring us home, right?
    • Hah, ΓÇ£professorΓÇ¥
  • Garret looks off edge of ship
    • Spots another ship, weΓÇÖre heading towards it
  • Prof shows up, looks like a predator
    • Looks at other ship as if its prey
    • Telling people to uncoil ropes, prepare hooks
    • Duandor suggests these are sky pirates.
    • Yells at us to get to work
      • Garret starts enchanting hardboiled eggs for consumption
    • People fall off
    • Our people start teathering to the other ship
    • Professor dual wields wands and starts firing on the other ship
    • Yells at us to get over there
    • Crews are slaughtering each other
    • OΓÇÖhardiganΓÇÖs egg cart want overboard !
    • Mace swing knocks an egg out of GarretΓÇÖs hand
  • Garret sets out his Ghallanda badge w/ the eggs
    • ΓÇ£Refreshments when you need them!ΓÇ¥
  • Skips stabs somebody in the neck, killing them instantly.
  • Battle ends
    • Handful of survivors on The Cloud Sliver (inc. prof moonsong)
    • Everyone is exhausted
    • Lots of dead
    • Party lived! Duandor is tired though.
    • Garret goes to look for booze to serve people
  • Ominous groaning and cracking
    • Airship is ΓǪ shifting
    • Floor boards start snapping
    • The Cloud Sliver is critically damaged
    • Other ship looks OK
    • Still secured to other ship
  • Garret runs for it
    • Everyone gets across
    • PrestidigitationΓÇÖs the ropes on fire
    • Prof.┬ágoes back to his quarters, whining about this not being to plan
    • Realizes ropes are burned, canΓÇÖt make it across
    • The Cloud Sliver sinks below the clouds, out of our sight.
    • Skips tosses an egg where the ship sank.
  • WeΓÇÖre all alone on this airship
    • Heavy damage, holes in deck, ballista bolts sticking out of stuff
    • Garret goes to look for alcohol
    • OΓÇÖharigan looks for a kitchen
    • Duandor looks for navigator room
  • Garret finds a cargo hold
    • Ropes, chains, pulleys, multiple tiers
    • Sees many warforged bodies scatted on the bottom of the hold
    • Garret thinks ΓÇ£oh shit this is a cannith transportΓÇ¥
    • No booze, leaves hold, tries to pile rubble in front of it so nobody else notices
  • Duandor is locked out of the pilot room
    • Needs a key
    • Goes to look for one in crew quarters
  • Stan OΓÇÖhardigan finds lots of Cannith insignia embroidered on stuff
    • Page w/ coded symbols
    • Pockets it
  • Skips explores ship for a bed
    • Puts matresses together to make a big matress fort
    • Naps in Fort Skips
  • Silver Codex looks for library, document repository, anything
    • Finds a lab
    • Lots of arcane contraptions broken
    • Bubbling liquid on the floor, eating away at enchanted wood
    • Determines lab was for experimental warforged components
    • Acid was probably for a weapon
    • Intact bottles in room, one of which may neutralize acid
      • Pours it on to try to stop hull from being destroyed
    • Grabs an intact bottle of acid for ΓǪ safe keeping.
  • Garret reports the cargo hold had nothing exciting in it
    • Duandor questions that
    • Garret friends + deception checks that shit
    • Duandor reports we need a key
      • OΓÇÖhardigan asks if we can pick it, says no, too complex and magical
      • Garret suggests having warforged punch it open
  • We head off to find it
    • WeΓÇÖre pretty racist
    • DonΓÇÖt remember warforgedΓÇÖs name
  • Silver Codex explores further, finds damaged warforged stuck to the walls
    • Inert (never been alive)
    • Lab was probably creating items to use w/ these warforged
    • Gigantic juggernaught strapped to the back of the room
    • Largest warforged Silver has seen
    • Lots of spikes and weapons
    • (ooc: is that the goddamn lord of blades?)
  • Silver Codex comes back
    • Garret tells him to come open a door, kind of rudely
    • We head back to the pilotΓÇÖs nest
  • Silver Codex recognizes wood in the door is the enchanted floodboard wood from lab
    • Enchanted wood, treated to resist blunt force
    • Probably why the ship did not break like The Cloud Sliver
    • Silver Codex thinks the acid can probs get through the door
    • Pours acid on the hinges
    • After a while, the hinges detach from the door and it pushes it off its hinges
  • We head in
    • Pilot is dead, dagger stuck out of him
    • Three crystal platters per side w/ alerts on them
      • Vessel cannot move until holes are patched
      • Cargo hold off balance
      • Aurary is out of alignment
      • Pilot missing
  • Pilot has a Cannith dragonmark
    • Dagger sticking out of his head has Boromar sigil
    • Garret finds it unusual a Cannith guy was piloting
    • Says Duandor might be able to fly it!
    • We move the dead body off the helm
      • Garret takes dagger
  • Duandor tries to fly it, plates flash
    • Nope
  • We need to fill some holes
    • We also need the ship to recognize a pilot probably
      • Garret suggests that he should cover himself in the pilotΓÇÖs blood
      • Gets some blood on him
      • ΓÇ£Pilot MissingΓÇ¥
      • Garret suggests more blood, but Duandor wants to try moving his body instead
  • OΓÇÖhardigan & Garret head for one of the holds w/ supplies
    • Planks, nails, adhesive
    • Food (fruit & grains)
    • OΓÇÖhardigan mixes oats with adhesive to make plaster
  • Garret stops Duandor from going to the cargo hold
    • Goes himself instead
    • Chained warforged are a mess, chains help move them
    • Five chains w/ wheel to align them
    • Smol halfling w/ -1 str mod starts shifting warforged around w/ the levers
  • Silver Codex goes to work on the aurary problem
    • Finds detailed paintings of the planes of existence in the aurary
    • Complex formulae, warforged doesnΓÇÖt go nuts when reading them
    • Nat 20 arcana, knows how to align the realms!
      • Form a planar convergence to realign the aurary
      • Does that
    • Aurary shines, identified as Xoriat (the Far Realm)
      • Not much nown about it
      • Almost all unknowable horrors of Eberron come from Xoriat
  • Cargo hold balance returns to acceptable tolerance (not ideal, but good enough)
    • Garret blocks door to the warforged hold on his way out
  • We tell Silver Codex to try piloting it
    • It says no, motions for Duandor to try again
    • It works!
      • Duandor feels connected to every part of the ship
      • Can ΓÇ£feelΓÇ¥ where everyone is
      • Feels presence of warforged in the cargo hold
    • Detects A LOT of Dragonshards
    • Ship says to Duandor
      • This unit requires repairs
      • This unit will return to Sharn for repairs
    • Pilots itself
    • Duandor tells us
      • Garret WTFs
  • Returns to Sharn, dock off of the Dura district
    • Duandor hears ΓÇ£shutting down, repairs required, this unit will slumber until it is restoredΓÇ¥
    • Ship slides into the dock
  • We exit the ship
    • Approached by dockworkers
    • Important woman
      • YOU! Off the ship now!
      • Dockmaster
    • Skips bribes her for 10g
    • She says weΓÇÖre cool, but Garret suggests waiting
    • Sends Duandor to go get a dragonshardΓǪ
  • Skips sees something interesting as he explores the docks
    • Wanted posters for us! Oh no!
    • Guard spots Skips, demands a bribe
    • DoesnΓÇÖt have gold, tries to give him a coupon
    • Wants to take Skips for a walk to his houseΓǪ
    • Menaces Skips with a mace.
    • Throws a distraction egg, runs away!
  • We bribe the dockmaster
    • With one dragonshard
    • SheΓÇÖs boromir
    • Friends + Persuasion gets her on our side, will keep people away from out ship
    • Tells us weΓÇÖre wanted, guards are looking out for us
    • Recommends Half-tusk Fabricators can repair ship, Sebestian
  • Duandor goes to see about repairs for the airship
  • OΓÇÖhardigan buys eggs
  • Garret finds something to cover his face in the crew quarters
    • Silver Codex looks for a hood too
  • Duandor finds Half-Tusk, androgen half-orc tinkering inside
    • ItΓÇÖs Sebastian
    • Asks about airship repair
    • Comments on it being an unusual airship
    • ΓÇ£The Gold StreamΓÇ¥ is now our ship name, apparently.
    • Gunna be expensive
    • Proposed Duandor helps him out, and repairs will be free.
      • Need a bit of time
      • Could do some basic repairs over a few hours, to get it repair-worthy
      • Needs a ride out of here ASAP, canΓÇÖt explain why
      • Agrees. Staff start picking up the shit in their shop.
    • Returns to ship ahead of repair crew, approached by Dockmaster
    • Looting dragonshards :V
  • Stan OΓÇÖhardigan looks for an inn
    • Finds an inn w/ a gnome being ejected
    • Gnome shouts about not meaning to grope somebody
    • Brushes dust off his robes, wanders towards Stan
    • Gnome suddenly spins & looks Stan in the eye
      • I CAN FEEL IT
      • He can sense the crypted text in StanΓÇÖs pocket
      • Stan says heΓÇÖll hand it over if he can find him a bathtub
      • Willing to give it in exchange for a room
      • ΓÇ£They wonΓÇÖt let me back in!ΓÇ¥
    • That happens
      • Boil eggs in the bathroom
      • Gnome comes to the bathroom
      • Shows gnome a good time (boiling eggs)
        • Gnome documents the process
      • Asks is Stan is a 4th-generation egg boiler
        • Gets a long lecture on OΓÇÖhardigan family history
      • Wants to write a book about Stan
      • Has trained member of House Sivvis on this encryption technique
      • Asks if wants notes translated
        • Illiterate.
        • Offers to take the gnome to us so we can discuss decrypting
    • Puts all the boiled eggs in the blanket off the bed for transport.
  • Garret tries to pass the buck to the Ghallanda Viceroy for Sharn
    • Buck is passed back, wants to secure the dragonshards
    • Sends Garret back to bring the ship to a safer port
    • Finds repair crew, gnome
      • Gnome has a Sivvis mark
      • Garran dΓÇÖSivvis
  • Prof.┬áMoonsong is back
    • Just walks right on to the ship like he fuckin owns it
    • Was abandoned by his House (???)
    • Skips approached, Prof pulls a wand.
    • Offers us $$$$ to help him
    • Tells us to get on the fucking boat
    • Gunna sell the dragonshards & warforged
  • Wants to leave, ship needs repairs first
    • Sebastian gets to work
    • Duandor helps
    • Garret makes coffee
  • We hear click THRUM
    • Crossbow turret is fired from a higher part of the dock
    • Right through Prof MoonsongΓÇÖs chest, flinging him off the ship.
    • We are charged by Clan Boromir
  • Sebastian steps his shit up
    • Duandor runs for the pilot room
    • Garret pulls up the gang planks to make boarding harder
    • Boromir try to jump the gap
    • We pelt them w/ hardboiled eggs!
  • Duandor gets to the helm
    • Ship is repaired enough
    • WE GO UP!
  • We see planks on the side of the ship begin to separate and form arms
    • The ship punches the dock and shatters it, killing Boromir
  • We argue about where to go
    • Sebastian & Duandor want to leave Sharn
    • Garret wants to stay in the city, find new dock
    • They win
  • HUGE EXPLOSION in the distance!