
From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 02:41, 31 August 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Barkeep thanks us for clearing out the thugs ** Thy were threatening him! ** Mondo has lots of teeth!? *** NO! Everyone knows Big Mondo *** THE MURDERER! **** Yek the Grin *...")
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  • Barkeep thanks us for clearing out the thugs
    • Thy were threatening him!
    • Mondo has lots of teeth!?
      • NO! Everyone knows Big Mondo
        • Yek the Grin
        • Hired Thug!
        • Can’t say why he was hired
      • Knows Yek’s address
        • In Fallen, in Lower Dura
        • Gives it to us
        • Warns us about the area being bad
  • Vinster pestidigitates some of the blood covering the bar away
  • Robert freaking the fuck out
    • Barman offers him more beer
    • Peacock makes some dove noises to try to calm him down
  • We decide the resturant is our best lead, we go there
  • Halfling pickpockets Robert Normalman
    • Jon notices & shouts at the halfling, charges
    • She taunts Jon
    • He catches up
    • Rest of the party doesn’t know wtf, follows along confused
  • Jon in an alley w/ 6 other people
    • Halfling says they saw our fight. Compliments us!
    • Circle drawn w/ chalk, 2 people in it, fist fighting
    • Beating crap out of each other
    • Other people cheering!
    • Will give Normalman’s stuff back if Jon can beat one person in a fight
    • Party catches up
    • They’re the Kalestaine Klash!
    • Peacock tries to talk to them in Thieves Cant, doesn’t seem to help
      • Sees a goblin w/ no arms
      • Gnome looks frail
    • Peacock points at goblin and squacks
    • Deux evaluates their willpower, thinks gnome is weakest of will
  • Deux tries to make friends with Wizdil the gnome
    • “I am a toilet. I see you have to wizz.”
    • Wants money to be pee’d in
    • Does flush-hypnosis ……………..
    • Wizdel is like wtf and walks away
  • Jon asks for our stuff back & says we’re up against a time limit
    • Halfling is like naw
    • But they have games!
    • Liar’s Dice, Arm Wrestling, Two Truths and a Lie
    • Duex is interested.
      • “I have played these games. Men have lost their penises.”
      • “I will swallow your dice.”
      • Flexes on halfling by flushing random piece of trash
  • Dwarf gets thrown out of the ring & KO’d
    • Butch was the dorf
  • Looks like a fight might break out
    • Vinster is like “ughhh no I’ll play dice”
  • Liar’s Dice
    • Iron tankard w/ three dice
    • Shake dice in the cup
    • Turn the cup over, keep it covered
    • Lift cup, see numbers
    • Make a claim about each dice, trying to lie
    • Guess whether lying or not about the die
    • Whoever guesses correctly wins
  • Vinster loses, doesn’t give a shit
    • Halfling gives back our stuff though
    • Vinster is like “oh that’s what happened”
    • Robert is shocked by the sudden appearance of his stuff!
  • Took an hour
  • Find un-named resturant!
    • Advertised as “Food from the Talenta Plains”
    • We roll in and get a table for 6
    • Pretty Nice looking resturant
    • Waitress goes in back…
  • Short halfling w/ intimidating presence comes out.
    • “Yous the ones I’ve been hearing about!”
    • Gotta respect the Boromar, they run this district
    • Intimidates Normalman into eating
      • Peacock checks food for poison, tells Normalman it is OK
    • Deux flushes some food
    • Offers to get us out of Sharn before pinning the murders on us
      • Vinster suggests using the dead thugs as scapegoats
      • No, nobody fucks with Boromar.
      • Also does not want the Boromar implicated in killing of the courier
    • Says they hired Yek, didn’t tell him to kill any couriers
      • Confirms Yek’s address
      • Tells us we can go, keep asking questions
        • But watch your back…
  • Kavill says wasn’t helpful
    • Did learn the Boromar didn’t hire him to kill the courrier
    • Kavill says could have been lying, shrug
    • We did get Yek’s address confirmed tho
  • On the way to Lower Dura, we are stopped by three halflings
    • Stopped in a hostile manner
    • Offers 100g each if we wait one more day before asking further questions
    • “Accidents” will happen if we don’t take the fall
      • Like…Normalman’s house could burn down…in a grease fire from haggis!
    • Vinster says no, Big Mondo can find somebody else to pin his murder on.
    • The thugs leave
  • Make it to Fallen in Lower Dura
    • It’s a shithole.
    • Lots of stuff destroyed by a tower collapsing awhile ago
    • We head for the address, v.tiny apartment, 10 square feet
    • Smells of rats & rotten food
    • Dirty rags in the corner, forming a bed
    • Broken dresser
  • Jon offers to go inside to search Yek the Grin’s home
    • Blade comes swinging at him
    • Struck for 6 points of damage (owwwww), is unaffected by the poison
    • Jon and Deux try to trigger any more traps
      • Jon pokes a rotten floorboard w/ his spear
      • Peacock investigates the room (roll of 2)
    • To Normalman, it looks like the apt was packed up quickly
      • Finds the remains of a lightning rail ticket in the firepit
      • Bound for Wroat
      • Rail leaves from Terminus Station today in three hours
  • Kavill says station is 2h away, we could get there
    • Vek’s name is familiar to him, not sure what he would be wanted for though
    • Vinster says we can talk to him, Peacock suggests an ambush
      • Vinster says that is uncouth
    • Kavill wants to take a rest, we tell him to rest at Terminus
  • We arrive @ Terminus Terminal 2
    • House Orien symbol in the floor
    • 2 lockers in the north
    • Walls covered in maps showing rail lines
    • Concourse is v.busy, dozen+ travellers hanging around
    • School children waiting around
    • Peacock on boarding platform, workers keeping an eye on things to stop people stealing the luggage
    • Ticket booth
    • Convenience stands w/ small foods, copies of Sharn Inquisitive & Khornberg Chronicles
  • Dexus asks a guard where the bathroom is
    • Goes there
    • Jealous of the porclain, breaks stuff
  • Vinster asks porter if seen Vek
    • Yes, bought a ticket & went to the bar
    • Finds Peacock & lets him know
  • Vinster hears a shattering noise
    • In bathroom
    • Deuxlette is smashing toilets and fixtures
    • Vinster lets Deux know we found Vek, Deux comes with
    • Peacock finds Robert
  • We walk into the bar.
    • Bartender, one patron
    • Bestial patron! A shifter.
    • His teeth are all kinds of jacked up.
    • “Watch who you sitting next to”
    • Vinster says he’s sitting next to Vek the Grin
    • Surprised, accuses me of being a Boromar, shows dragonmark
    • “THIS MUST BE A TRICK” & reaches for sword
    • Rest of group piles in, spooks him
    • Robert blasts him in the face with a fireball.
    • Vek the Grin surrenders.
  • Vek is kinda racist against halflings.
    • Vinster gets a dry Mar’Tain’i from the bartender.
      • Wealthiest family in sharn are the Tains
      • This drink is named for them
  • Protect Vek from the Boromar & he will tell us
    • Told to ROB courrier by the Boromar, not kill him, did that for fun
    • Didn’t read message, left it at dead drop
    • Highest levels of the Boromar clan are in on this
    • Tells us where dead drop was (but message deffo picked up)
  • Kavill takes him away.
    • Tells us to stick around to fill out a report
  • Imos shows up
    • Is a dick
    • Vinster tells him Vek confessed before Guardsman Kaville
    • Rips an insignia w/ a paw off Vek, tosses to Jon
    • Kavill goes w/ them
  • “What now?”
    • Should report to House Oriens to fufill our end of the bargain
    • Jon inspects the insignia that Imos gave us
      • Is a magic item!
      • Not sure what it is though
      • Doesn’t think it’s a group insignia or anything, just a cool thing
      • It is a Broach, for clasping a cloak
  • Robert goes home
  • Everyone else goes to Shala d’Orien @ House Orien Azure Courrier Station
    • 25g a head reward for the info!