Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-10-19

From Spinach Inquisition
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Doing It

  • We hover up and out of the giant bug's reach
    • Volkas pummels it with the particle beam & it falls over
    • H4NZ scans the augury thing & gives me a heading
    • We fly over to it! But what the fuck is it?
      • Strong psyonic presence, not sure how the akata-like things died exactly. they may have been attracted to its presence.
      • Volkas is unable to get Junk to drag the massive heavy thing onto the ship, so he gets to it himself
      • Theo sees him struggle & asks the device if it can become more mobile
        • It starts floating.
  • Junk wants to cut Sunt's leg off but Popo is The Immovable Object and is stopping him
    • Junk keeps getting pulled of Sunt by the skittermander lols
  • We scan for a quiet spot & hide to make repairs
    • We start repairing
    • H4NZ detects a weird small brainy creature that sneaks onto the ship
    • Theo restrains it with Psychokinetic Hand
    • Popo "accidentally" shoots Volkas in his face
    • We eventually manage to throw it off him
  • Junk finally gets his leg
    • Also Sunt dies from the amputation
  • We try to leave
    • There's fucking Skyland in the way
    • We fly around Skyland
    • How the fuck do we get out of here
    • "Return to HappyCo" button doesn't work
    • Jump out of the Drift
      • Volkas gets his drink all over his face
      • We get back to the Njaeor system
  • Upon our return to Absalom, we do some major upgrades to the ship & restock
  • Back aboard, we interrogate dead Sunt with necromancy.
    • What's left of the cult - "We have a presence throughout the pact worlds, mainly in the disapora"
    • What's the plan now that the degenerator gambit has failed - "Pillage & kill until we find another cause"
    • Where do we find your largest supply depot / base of resources - "Largest asteroid within the diaspora"
    • How do you know Mr. Happy - "Never met Mr. Happy, but my lives before him knew of him. He is ancient."
    • What is Mr. Happy? - "Once human, but now something different. Used technomancy to make himself immortal."
    • What does he intend to do with the degenerator? - "Destroy any who get in his way"
    • But not the galaxy? - "..." (we ran out of questions)
  • Popo tries to make friends with the augury orb thing
    • Popo comes to look @ maps and has Biscuit operate the map viewer
    • Biscuit draws on the map
    • "PENIS!" "Poop."
    • Augury device locates its home on the map
    • Somewhere in the Vast, outside the pact worlds
    • We log the location
    • H4NZ does a search & identifies it as a lush planet, similar to Castrovel. Not named/explored, as far as Absalom knows.
  • We decide to drop the degenerator off before going on our grand adventure
    • HOLY SHIT! Fantastic work!
    • Ferocious credstick rustlin' = 20,000c per
    • They can complete the Grinstar now
  • We go to the boardroom
    • Need to deliver holographic messages to the leaders of the pact worlds
    • Previews the Castrovel holo
      • It depicts the destruction of castrovel
      • It leaves a smiley face behind!
      • "Don't let this happen to you! I am Luminaus Happy, your new overlord!"
      • Rayevek is his space station -- demands their leaders show up to his new govt in 1 month's time
      • Raffle in two weeks to determine which Pact world moon to destroy
      • One for each pact world


  • Going to a restaurant @ Absalom to discuss the situation
  • Also need to raid the cult supply depot
  • Also need to get the augury device home?