Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-07-20

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 00:56, 22 March 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Intro == * Welcome to helpful spinach! * Some notes on the game: ** We're trying out the Starfinder HUD character sheet! Mostly, you can click through menus to do stuff. **...")
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  • Welcome to helpful spinach!
  • Some notes on the game:
    • We're trying out the Starfinder HUD character sheet! Mostly, you can click through menus to do stuff.
      • Some stuff (like attacks) will give you a popup in the main roll20 window for choices (full attack vs standard action) -- be mindful!
    • @Dakoyo: you have spells, click the 'Spells' tab next to 'Core' at the very top to see them
    • @Everyone: I didn't put the full details for every spell & ability in the sheets, so you will need to refer to the rules
    • You all have many arms. You can hold multiple things, but you still only get normal actions.
  • A notes on skittermanders: They're obsessively helpful!
    • Take two minutes and read the bios on your character sheets! (sorry badables)


  • Begin with panic, does he need help?
  • Gazigaz "Quonx, in case we die, you're one of my bestest friends"
  • They'd love to visit the consellation called Best friends
  • THE FRIENDHOLE ~.^ (its a porthole)
  • They all hold hands for the spacewalk (well, space jump)
  • Some folks take damage from micrometeors
  • Frok jacks in to the ship's door to see the open menu
  • Junk tries to be fran with the pest-control bots
  • 2 1 turns of entangle, cycle when Gazigaz goes again
  • Gazigaz diplo's a robot hard, convincing it that it he is not a pet. The robot explodes because it thinks pets shouldn't be articulate.
  • Toe-custard healing spray!
  • Quonx tries to figure out what kind of ship it is -- faux Vercite
  • They keep trying to be friendly w/ the robots
    • Quonx tries to reprogram the robot to be docile so they can keep it
    • He changes its directive to be a pet
    • Weasle puts it in a pet carrier!
  • They enter the room & a shitty makeshift barrier collapses. It didn't hold the door.
    • Gaz gives a rousing speech to the refugees, and they're put at ease a bit
    • They explain where they're from
    • Quonx repairs the bar bot, a bunch of people freak out
      • The refugees try to break it
      • Gazigaz stops the refugee
      • Refugee explains the AI will control it (vornya explained the AI was bad)
      • The robot's eyes turned RED and it trys to kill someone with a broken bottle
        • No booze left = it must kill passangers to stop them from being unhappy w/ its service
        • It's being controlled by M2 - frok tries to reprogram it, succeeds, but its ignoring its own programming
      • Dakoyo gives the refugees some food
      • Frok finds 2 credits in the bar storage - he shares a credit with Dak!
    • Quonx goes back to the Clutch to send a signal about the distressed passengers!
      • Dakoyo helps by throwing him!
      • Quonx makes a call -- reaches a person who seems confused
        • Quonx describes ship & situation to the person -- then sends coordinates
  • Quonx names the security robto pet Prof. Squiggles, leaves him back on the Clutch
  • They get the returning dart from the game room
  • They go into the shadow room & do some checks -- they figure out the barrier to the shadow realm is thin & that the monsters are shadow creepers
    • Badables pats one, it hisses
    • Quonx tries to hit an onyx with his spanner -- fucking good roll lol, he disables it
      • He gets a second onyx!
      • And third!
    • The room becomes brighter!
    • They spent 10 minutes in the room && Dak does some channel healing while they look at the stars!

Picking up from our stopping point...

  • Your vesk boss Nakonechkin employs you all for his salvage company. You found a ship floating in the depths of space & your boss boarded it for inspection prior to salvaging. He then failed to respond when you tried to check in with him.

Suspecting trouble, you brave skittermanders jumped into action -- literally jumped from ship-to-ship -- to go and help your boss out!

Aboard the ship, you found refugees hiding in a bar. They mentioned an AI going berserk. When you repaired the bartender robot, an outside force possessed it and forced it to attack because it wasn't able to provide its expected level of pleasure to passangers.

You send a distress call out, alerting another ship of the crisis and asking for help. The other ship promises to send aid. When you inform the refugees, they cheer and weep!

There was no sign of your boss Nakonechkin with the refugees, so you proceed deeper into the ship. On the observation deck, you find the barrier between our reality and The Shadow Realm had been weakened. Quonx deploys his handy quantum reality spanner -- which nobody else believed in -- to correct this issue with the material plane.

You're still looking for signs of your boss. Perhaps if you progress deeper into the ship...?


  • Gazigaz gets grabbed by the massage tables
    • Dak puts custard on the arms
    • Quonx hacks one set of arms to grapple the other table's arms
  • Nanochnieksin is freed
    • "We found some people with robots and the robots are crazy"
    • "Shadow plane is leaking"
    • Upon hearing they radioed for help, he says they should hurry to disable the AI so they can establish a claim
  • Cyber zombie!
    • It's badass
    • Gazigaz is upset and traumatized by the horror inflicted upon his fur
    • Badables tries to console him
    • Weasle fucks him up and does like 20dmg in one turn + gougues his eye out with the most amazing full attack he's ever rolled
    • Gazigaz makes a sick diplo check to be friends with him, he fights M2's control and deactivates
    • M2 gets upset and tells them to show their tickets
    • Gaz makes a bad ticket & gives it to Kenjaro, he sheds a tear and fight's M2's control to warn them about his self-destruct
    • They get out in time & Q downloads a map from the bridge computers
  • Sleeping gas omg
    • lol
  • Quonx opens the door to the engineering room before the gas is resolved so lol
    • Quonx tries to hack the power core and fucks up
    • Robot salutes Gazigaz after a speech about freedom
    • Gazigaz: "Friendship is about shooting yourself before you shoot others"

For next time...

  • You have disabled the corrupted AI. When you phoned your boss, he congratulated you on a job well done, but is interrupted by -something-. The ship you're aboard rocks as if under attack. What do?

Final Battle

  • They try to throw Badables in the reactor cuz he's late to the session :P
    • They fail!
  • They head upstairs & make conversation with the pirates
    • The pirates say they're here to provide assistance to their cargo
    • Quonx figures out

GM Note

  • When the pirates attack, have it be the person Quonx called for a "rescue"!