Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-01-12

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 00:38, 22 March 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Doing It == * Goblins have computer card! * Gowena offers Meza's (not dead) character to the goblins for food ????? * See horrifying shit in bridge, head for kitchen * We...")
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Doing It

  • Goblins have computer card!
  • Gowena offers Meza's (not dead) character to the goblins for food ?????
  • See horrifying shit in bridge, head for kitchen
  • We find the kitchen & each get a sack of salt
  • Volkas fails at throwing salt
  • We pour salt on the akata and it dies in a salty heap
    • Theo says "He looks pretty salty about that" and puts on sunglasses. Tierno plays a laughtrack.
  • Other akata runs into salt lel
  • Gowena throws meat into the bridge and there's some weird ass growling noise
  • Volkas smites the remaining akata with his big ass sword thr
  • New akata appears, Volkas smites it again
  • Log in to computer,
    • The Drift Rock had strange geodes, akata hatched from them
    • Something Else came from the rock and it overwhelmed the ship
    • They opened the airlock to try and kill the akatae
    • They fled along the tow cables to the drift rock
  • Find the following in storage room:
    • Odd plastic container w/ electronic lock. No magic detected.
    • Goblin uses a grenade to piece it
    • Transparent coffin inside, w/ feet
    • He's being kind of cagey and wants to see the Eoxian ambassador
    • We piss him off and he goes back in his box and we leave him
  • Rest of team finds a flame pistol
  • Zip down the tow cable to the Drift Stone
  • One side of stone is sheared off cleanly
    • Craters are not impact craters!
    • Rocky overhand conceals cave enterance
  • Found a ded human
    • Looks like akata bites
  • Found a lady with some mirror bullshit and a sniper rifle
    • She was flying the Eox fighter that attacked us
    • I break off dialog when she tells us that and call for Zith's grenades
    • She seems to be in a room with no other exits.
  • One goblin fran dies.
  • Zith hits her square in the bitch face with a shock grenade, ruining her mirror image device.
    • She is an android.
    • She was paid a lot by a guy who contacted her through secure channels.
    • We secure her arms: Azimuth Laser Pistol, Tactical Shirren Eye Rifle
    • Junk steals her knife: Survival knife
    • The purchaser knew where we were and told the assassin
    • We demand her pants in exchange for her life. She concedes her pants.
      • Removes rest of her clothing and junk tries to put it all on despite the poor fit.
      • OH SHIT IT'S ARMOUR WITH JUMP JETS: Freebooter Armor 1 (Jump Jets)
  • Defeated and naked, we tell her to get the fuck out.
    • Other goblin sees her and suicide charges The Bad Lady.
    • He crits her, and then his gun explodes. Both of them die.
  • Akata zombie!!!! It's a person with a blue tentacle coming out of its head.
    • We tell Junk this is going to happen to him
    • Gowena engages it with her dildo
  • Tierno tells me a story about Mr Happy conceiving tofinkle and taking over the frozen confectionary sector
    • Mr Happy's favorite flavour is LIQUID SMOKE
  • The walls are made of rock. I don't recognize it.
    • Light blueish, bits of dust floating around
      • Southern wall has a lot more magic.
  • Tofikle-filled poison darts aww yeah
  • Mr Happy is HATED throughout the known universe by communists
  • We find a chamber made of metal. There's an interesting console of strange design.
    • Zith accesses the console, and it nearly FUCKING MURDERS HIM by electricity.
    • We pour a bunch of healing shit on him.
  • Schematic on console, showing larger structure
    • The Drift Stone's shearing might mean that this was torn off of something
  • Found more controls (red) and screen (blue)
    • Psychokinetic hand to push button (it could be DANGROUS)
    • Pressing it makes a sphere with a bunch of dots appear on the screen
    • Schematic of a globe
  • Found an ancient spaceship
    • Degenerated, parked but on its side/wing
    • It's a common ship from >50 years ago
    • About the same size as the ASS Spinach Lover
  • Also monster with a lampray mouth slurping up some blood
    • It has wings
    • It is extra-planar: an OUTSIDER.
    • Partially phased out of our plane
    • Probably vulnerable to ELECTRICITY
  • We hide and I telepath at it, welcoming it to Absalom space.
    • It has a long tongue with which is licks its teeth

Quick notes for next time

  • It's vulnerable to electrcity. STUN GUNS AT MAXIMUM.
  • We're gunna kill Zith!