Starfinder:Adventure Log/2019-05-03

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 03:26, 4 May 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Doing It == * Theo books it to a bar * Billy harasses a woman in the green park-y area ** "Have I got an exciting product for you -- my penis! It's covered in mayo!&q...")
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Doing It

  • Theo books it to a bar
  • Billy harasses a woman in the green park-y area
    • "Have I got an exciting product for you -- my penis! It's covered in mayo!"
    • She asks him to go away & threatens to call security
    • Next up on offer, The Mayostick for 19.99
    • She is a gardener (probably staff @ Elysium)
    • Billy tries to sell her mayo to help the plants grow
    • Billy squirts mayo on the plants before fleeing
  • Volkas does some spoogling on Billy Maise
    • Travelling mayo salesman, made a commercial out of nowhere for the Mayon, it went viral
    • Now he makes commercials & is famous for it
    • Incident where he beat a Barothen hooker & it hurt his rep
    • MayoGlide MAXXX(TM) was the hail-mary that saved his brand
    • IT HAS 3 Xes INSTEAD OF 2
  • Popo follows Filip
    • Corners him in an elevator
    • Wants foot facial ;)
    • Filip says OK & leads Popo to a spa
    • Filip isn't doing the facial tho
    • Popo wants to join him in his office ~.^
    • Offers to chat tomorrow
      • Popo counteroffers: no chat, just foot facial
      • Gives in, will provide a feet facial tomorrow
      • Popo calls Theo and has him write up a contract so Filip MUST do the feet facial tomorrow
  • H4NZ works on rebuilding his drone!
    • Keys sends him to a workroom
    • Bruce bitches at him for showing up in "his" lab
    • H4NZ mostly ignores him
  • Billy finds a drunk woman in a bar
    • "I would like to sneak some mayo into her drink"
    • Oh god its 'special mayo'
      • "What's so special about it?"
      • "It came from me!" "I made it! WITH DRUGS!"
    • Another woman joins
      • "Want to come back to our quarters?"
      • Sense motive 11, "You sense you're gunna be spreadin' mayo tonight Billy"
      • "I have a roll of ion tape!"
  • Buzzblade Vesk comes to visit Volkas
    • She offers Volkas some haluciongenic snails
    • They trip balls together
    • Resort changes the pattern of the ceiling? Or are they just on drugs?
    • His trip brings him back to the bad trip he had on Absalom after ... misreading a book so hard he became a Golarian cultist?
    • Namedrops Mr. Happy as a Golarion, she doesn't know of him
    • Remembers Scooter, Hero.
  • Theo sees two more folks sipping drinks
    • Nervous lady
    • Ignorres them, orders a cigar
    • Indigo introduces herself, is very ... excitable
    • She's Romi's bodyguard
      • Romi is a software mogul, made Keys app
      • Romi is introvert? Indigo wants him to make friends
      • Theo is not into it
  • Popo gets into a robe & slippers
    • Explores 2nd floor more
    • Finds H4NZ and tells him about the robes
      • Bruce gets mad and turns his radio way up
      • is listening to a "radio personality" who is pro-MAAA
    • Popo can't track Filip on the app, asks a security guard wtf
      • Guard tells him to visit IT
      • Bruce the fat guy is IT
      • People in restricted areas (staff areas mostly) are not trackable, Filip will show up when he comes back out
        • "Any other areas that are restricted?" "NOTHING I CAN TELL YOU ABOUT."
    • Asks H4NZ if he knows how to get into the restricted areas
      • Maybe later.
  • H4NZ' app plays an advertisement unprompted.
    • Tofinkle tofinkle, all you need is a little sprinkle. -> a bunch more hostility too
    • H4NZ is annoyed and goes to his room & takes a long nap
  • Theo has been sitting around and watching Romi
    • Romi is inspecting the app, hm?
    • Just hanging out, much like Theo
    • He seems unimpressed by the resort
    • Theo goes and gets spa'd
  • Billy has gone up to the ladies' room ~.^
    • Has a WILD NIGHT
    • They agree to weird mayonaise-based requests
    • "That happens."
    • "Billy Naise here! I truly am the Mayo King! Now don't go telling people, or else! ~.^"
    • Leaves a used tub of mayo :-)
  • Noon the next day . . .
    • Filip calls the whole party to thank us for helping out w/ the pirates!
    • As a reward, we get their gear! Just have to head to the docking bay.
    • Sentinel 3 is holding the captives in the brig, will be picked up by the Stewards.
    • @Popo: asks when to meet, Popo says "RIGHT NOW" ~.^
  • Theo, Volkas, & Naise go to the dock
    • Naise tries to sell them MayoGlide maxxx to escape the cell
    • Prisoners are not into it
    • "MayoGlide MAXXX also doubles as beer!" -- bluff 31 lols
    • They believe & ask for some
    • Guard says no, don't give them stuff, doesn't know wtf mayoglide maxxx is
    • "Guess it can't hurt, w/e"
    • Pirates guzzles the mayo & is DISGUSTED.
    • Naise hits on the female prisoner
    • Theo asks about the whole "plane of untouched sorrows" thing, prisoners won't talk
    • Theo asks Billy to get the guards to talk a walk, he succeeds!
    • Theo & Volkas are alone w/ prisoners
    • Caenan won't answer, Theo fucks up the other one w/ magic
      • Years ago, weird mine on asteroid w/ a gas station front/
      • Pirates kept coming to see what's what, people would go in and never come out
      • 20 years ago something bad happened, Kozkota the Locust sent a signal out
      • Some shit about ghosts and living shadows
      • The asteroid mine was THIS asteroid, that the resort is built on
      • Doesn't have firsthand knowledge
    • Caenan upset that we won't heal his friend that Theo arcing surge'd
    • Theo does not care and leaves as the guards return // "Must have tripped"
  • Spoogle search -- "Asteroid Anecdote" blog
    • Confirms portions of the story, identifies asteroid
    • Mine wad abandoned by Oilreka (company?) that abandoned it
    • 293 Eclipse Innovations something bought the asteroid, sold to Verkera Holdings till 311
      • Eclipse owns Verkera Holdings
      • Something shady about Eclipse Holdings?
        • Probably trying to dis-associate their name w/ the asteroid's bad rep
        • Something less-than-legal probably happened here
    • Then Paradise Resorts bought it and built New Elysium!
  • H4NZ works on his drone!
  • Popo is geetting the foot facial from Filip
    • Vigoriously works Popo's feet
    • 20 minutes of massage, and then it's over
    • Popo: that wasn't enough :-( Popo wants more!
    • 10 more minutes.
    • Popo leaves Filip a good review in Keys -- a solid 4!
    • He goes back to his office
  • Volkas rents a bike
    • Ad plays on Volkas' app
    • MUCHO GUSTO. Volkas is in the ad? he scoops beans?
  • Billy Naise meets Bono K. Rono & Lana Rono
    • Bono wants to know more !
    • Naise drops mayo on the floor "yes this has happened to me"
    • The Mayonge! It's an absorbing mayo sponge stick! Suck it up & squeeze the mayo back out!
    • Bono K. Rono buys the Mayonge for 5000c
    • Has a secret service agent clean up the mayo on the floor for him
  • Billy approaches a Buzzblade, Zidhil
    • Not into Naise's bullshit
    • Smashes mayo jar on the ground
    • The MayoStack 3000 is a tub of mayo
    • Uses MayoStack 3000 to glue the mayo jar back together...?
    • Gets annoyed and leaves
  • Theo calls Popo & asks him to come to the bar
    • Tells Popo the GHOST STORY
    • Indigo is interested
    • We look at a map of the asteroid in Keys, don't see anything about a mine
    • Asks Indigo if Romi knows about the map data
      • Didn't make the app, only consulted
    • Romi comes over, points out the map was edited
  • Volkas wants to buy anti-ghost stuff
    • Gowena's eCommerce site is still up, she has a bunch of ghost-b-gone spray and shit up for sale
    • Volkas buys all the stuff for 1500c
    • Billy Naise is a partner of the resort, so ... his products are also sold in the shop
  • Party w/ Bono K. Rono at 6 PM!
    • Everybody is coming! (except H4NZ cuz he's all work & no play)
    • Billy tries to buy Vorilynn shots, but she declines (the gardener, I think)
    • Many CHIVES roll out and offer us all champagne flutes
    • Security talks to Billy about harassing that lady, threatens to remove him
    • Billy is escorted out of the party
      • "Can I disguise myself? Using mayo?"
    • Filip & Dr. Sidrani Loman head to the front of the room
      • Addresses guests!
      • Dr is in charge of spa & facilities
      • Dr addresses guests
      • Nothing exciting, just a "enjoy the stay blabla" speech
    • Billy is covered in mayo
    • Buzzblades address the guests!
      • They offer US season tickets to their home games !!!
      • Volkas accepts the gift on behalf of the Spainch Inquisition
      • Shining blade of purple & white light (Zidhil's Blade)
        • Weilded for 11 seasons, engraved w/ all their names
      • Also gets armour with a jetpack (Lashunta Ringwear 3 w/ Jump Jets addon), used last season
      • Also gets 2 fusion seals (Merciful Fusion Seal, Called Fusion Seal)
    • Kane Zaphol scowls as we get rewarded
      • "You shouldn't have interferred in official business!"
      • "These people may praise you, sir, but what you did was foolish!"
      • Chief of Security for New Elysium
      • He's very mad that we did his job for him, crowd thinks he's a total asshole
    • Some ysoki running around w/ a GoPro
    • Theo talks to Dr. Sidrani
      • Casually drops that he knows this place was a mine
      • Sidrani did not know that! Thought it was a store of some sort.
    • Reporter (or someone surveying guests for the resort?) talks to Volkas
      • Asks question about the experience
      • Yeah deffo a reporter
      • Volkas mentions the ghosts
      • Wants Volkas to lie about having SEEN a ghost
        • Volkas doesn't want to jynx it tho
      • Volkas' statements will be published to Kasathegram
    • Billy tries to slip back in to the party
      • Guards catch him
    • Filip approaches Theo!
      • Theo complains about Kane, Filip will write a report up
    • Popo goes after Filip
      • Popo: "can i touch your hand"
      • Popo puts lotion on his hands.
      • Billy sees and runs over to sell him mayo lotion
        • Lotion is incredibly absorbant, Filip is impressed
      • Billy tries to wear Popo as a mask to sneak back in
        • NOPE.JPG
    • Steinwergen wants to talk to Billy, is having trouble getting mayonette signups
      • "Just be yourself!"
    • Party concludes!