
From Spinach Inquisition
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  • Vinster works for Ghallanda
  • Private Jon Perkins was a spy in the war
  • Robert Normalman is a small-town average guy, accountant, boring life, routine
  • Deuxlette is a sex toilet, owners died, possessed by a ghost
  • Peacock Cry is a pirate kenku, thief, mission to restore creativity to the kenku

Doing It

  • At a party in the Skyway, Sharn’s highest and richest district
    • Robert got some haggis
    • Vinster is health-inspecting
    • Everyone else is hanging out at the party
  • Robert is stressed cuz can’t find his way out
    • Vinster tries to calm him down, points to door
    • Robert starts to leave
    • Guards are ushering everyone out of the party!
      • The party ends up getting grouped up in the mass of exiting party-goers…
      • Night, light rain
      • Duex sits in the corner & toilets (lol?)
      • Guards point us towards a bridge
    • Vinster asks the rolling toilet if it’s a warforged
      • Solitics for sex
      • No.
  • We noticed a hunched figure on the bridge!
    • Turns towards us
    • Is a brawny humanoid, average height, short blade in one hand, bag in another
      • Blade is matte
      • Peacock recognizes coating is Blade-Black, underworld mixture to help conceal weapon
    • Guards are gone, not responding to Vinster shouting for them
    • Can’t see anyone in the dark abyss
  • Corpse was left behind
    • Wooden chit good for 1 free drink at the Rat’s Paw, blade
    • Jon tells he was killed by a single off-center stab to the heart
      • Seems professional
    • Human, wound is in the shape of a plus sign (odd)
    • Robert notes the plus
  • Bunch of guards led by a dwarf appear
    • Young guard asks sgt, says he thought he saw a man fall off the Skyway
  • Sgt sighs, doesn’t want to deal w/ paperwork
    • 24 hours to solve the murder or GTFO Sharn
    • Tells young guard to haul body to House Orien
    • Other guards (aside from the young guard, Kavill) leave
  • Robert vomits from stress, doesn’t have solving a murder in his schedule
    • Kavill tries to convince him not to leave
    • Vinster tries to console Robert (nat 1), makes it worse
    • Robert crying and vomitting
    • Deux … does some weird hypnosis shit and calms Robert down
  • Kavill grabs body, we notice he’s an Oriens courier (not an heir)
    • Sgt is Aimos, dwarf and corrupt
    • Kavill says everyone is corrupt :(
    • Robert is shocked by this
    • Jon helps Kavill w/ carrying the body
  • Hauling body to Houe Oriens Azure courrier station
    • Kavill saw weird-shaped short sword
  • Attendant ushers us to a conference room
    • Will fetch Shala d’Orien
    • Refreshments available
    • Peacock steals some of the silverware, unbenownst to us
    • Well-dressed woman enters the room & sits at the head of the table
      • Courrier was Tares Grakken, 7y veteran
      • Vinster asks about what Grakken was carrying, she can’t tell us much
      • Destination was unknown, Tares was given destination on pickup (so only he knew)
      • May have associates at Rat’s Ankles / Bear’s Claws (or something) in lower Dura
        • Was a drunk
      • Vinster asks about client, since he’s also dragonmarked she gives us client info
        • Asks for information we find in return
        • Client was Lobana Petrevina, pick up message from her estate in Azure district
  • Shala leaves, group does introductions
    • Peacock isn’t very articulate, writes Normalman a note explaining what kenku are
      • Bird folk, legend that they were robbed of their wings (+ creativity thus their ability to think on their own) by some ancient curse
      • Steals things, admits this
      • “Cannot speak normal, mimic.”
    • Warforged is terse
      • Gives us its name,
    • Jon Perkins
      • Was a soldier in the Cyrian army
    • Henry Kavill
      • Wants to help people make Sharn safe
    • 1 hour has passed, 23 remain!
      • Deuxlette stops being a toilet
  • We talk about our leads
    • Peacock has the token for the Rat’s Paw, could be it!
    • The client is nearby
      • We think we’ll head there first
  • Walled mansion, manacured grounds, lots of decorative trees
    • Guard at the front gate
    • We explain the situation, guard lets us in!
  • Manor is decorated in a tasteful white & silver decor
    • More guards
    • We’re waiting around
    • Returns, lets us know the Madam will see us & brings to sitting room
  • Robert examines the fancy chairs
    • Brand new!
    • Everything is brand-new!
    • Peacock looks for stuff worth stealing
      • Sees paintings, plates, etc on the walls – art is most valuable stuff
  • Short human woman enters, greets us coldly
    • Explains to her what’s going on, seems disinterested
    • Not sure why a nyone would intercept her messagre
    • Moved from Sigilstar in Thrane
      • Yuri is her deceased husband
      • Believe her
      • Came to enjoy the art scene
    • Hired courrier to deliver letter to sister in Flamekeep
      • Think she may be lying (nat 20 insight)
      • Sister is Alexia, follower of the Silver Flame (voice gets weird)
      • Has lived here for a long time
    • Peacock asks if she has enemies – of course not!
    • She is an artist !
    • Vinster asks her to let House Ghallanda know if she thinks of anything that may be useful
    • We depart the manor, another hour is down
  • Outside, Vinster suggests she may have been lying about the letter to her sister
    • Kavill suggests that A GAME IS AFOOT
    • Robert doesn’t like games.
    • Kavill shows us to the Rat’s Paw
  • Raw’s Paw
    • Rough folks, halfling eyes us
    • Someone playing a lute & smoking
    • Old bartender
    • Furniture is battered and worn
    • Floor is sticky
    • Vinster gets ale
    • Deux gets Mystery Rotgut
      • Oh god it’s VERY strong
      • Pure grain alcohol
    • Peacock talks to the lute-player
      • Puts fingers up to throat, says his name is Smokey Joe in a very garbled voice
      • Offer a tune for 1c, Peacock pays him
    • Halflings still watching us intently
      • Kavill is uncomfortable w/ that
      • We should talk to bartender about the courrier though
    • Robert Normalman talks to bartender
      • Asks him about Tarres
      • Gets shifty, looks at the halflings
      • Can tell us where Tarres’ house was: middle Dura, bazar, had an apt there, gives us address
      • Vinster jumps in and order Robert a beer
      • Vinster & Peacock convince him to drink
        • It’s gross and he doesn’t like it
    • Halfling approaches Robert and tells him to stop asking questions about Tarres
      • Hostile.
      • Bald, tattoo, billy club
        • Recognizes it as a Boromar clan mark
      • Vinster asks him what the problem is
        • His boss has a problem w/ us asking questions
      • Halflings start moving towards us as shit starts escalating
        • Vinster goads the Boromar guy, seems to have a problem w/ them
  • Deux pulls a knife
    • Peacock steps outside
    • Halfling threatens Robert
    • Kavill pulls his sword & identifies himself as a guard
      • They laugh at him
    • Tries to smack Robert, Kavill intercepts
    • Robert runs in the corner & hides
    • Peacock busts in through a window and sneak attacks a surprised Boromar thug!
    • Deux crits a Boromar with their rapier, lops off a finger and enter his heart
      • Deftly catches severed finger w/ toilet hole so ghost can eat it ….. ?
    • Robert touches himself, heals 8 HP :o
    • Kavill knocks another thug out
    • Jon crits with his longbow, killing another thug!
    • Kavill goes down, was getting dogpiled by the thugs
    • Vinster slays a thug
    • Robert shoots fire !
    • Vinster shouts at the last thug to throw down his club and surrender
  • Loot: 25g
    • Peacock steals it all
    • Robert notices, but is busy tending to Kavill
    • Kavill goes to fetch the watch
  • Thug is named Dan
    • Hired by the Boromar, they heard some folks were investigating
    • Were sent here, figuring we’d show up
    • Was frequented by The Target
    • “Mondo” is the boss, has a resturant in Middle Dura
      • Gives us the address
    • Paying 5g a head for the thugs
  • Smokey Joe the Bard is packing up to go
    • Vinster gives him 2s to stay and play more
    • Other patrons relax now, seem happier w/out all the skullduggery
  • Kavill returns with the Sharn guard
    • They haul the corpses out
    • Guards take the last thug out in chains