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Svenn BloodhowlToday at 10:01 AM If there is currently downtime, I would like to visit Big Mondo’s restaurant several times with a bunch of other house ghallanda&hostellers guild officials because the food is good and it has a great narrative for us being city halflings who have likely never been to the talenta plains ! hash tag our cultural heritage

MagicforkToday at 12:10 PM The quality of the food is excellent, and you notice the last time you visit that the restaurant has now been named “Taste of Talenta” Big Mondo was nowhere to be seen

  • Robert Normalman went home & sent his birds out to go buy eggs
    • Normal birds, like doves
    • Doves return in short order w/ pristine dozen eggs which they got for free (nat 20 animal handling lol)
    • Gregg & Robert Jr. are the doves’ names
  • Deux has parked in Robert Normalman’s bathroom (next to his actual toilet)
  • Peacock searches for magical artifacts, per his standing orders
  • Jon hangs around in public places


  • Watchman Kavill sends us all urgent requests to meet @ cafe in Low Central

    • Hints that we are still in DANGER !
    • Deux does not attend, all else answer the call!
  • Meet at the cafe

    • Yek the Grin was posioned in his cell (probs from his meal)
    • Boromar may have paid off the watch
    • Robert is NOT PLEASED
    • Unknown person joins !
      • Kavill introduces Dale O’Hale, another rival of the Boromar!
      • Boromar are muscling in on his farming enterprise
      • Lays shotgun across the table
  • Guard interrogatted Yek, he HAD read the message that he stole

    • Guesses that this might be why the Boromar wanted him dead
    • Something was going to go down at a villa in little plains (villa owned by the Boromar)
  • Kavill knows a fence, Timball Grasstooth, who informs for the guard – knows the area

    • Find him at the Zephyr Pub
    • Tell him Imos sent us
  • Normalman is hyperventillating

    • Wants to go home
    • Hide in house
    • “But they know where you live”
    • Faints
    • Vinster throws cold water on him
  • We ask around in Little Plain

    • Big party tomorrow being held by Councillor Boromar at Far Hearth Villa
    • Increased security at the villa, hunters coming in from the Telenta Plain
  • Plan

    • Normalman & Vinster need to get an invite, Dale will be an out-of-town trader w/ us
    • Jon & Peacock will sneak in and provide overwatch
    • Maybe the fence can help us get an invite?
  • Arrive at the Zephyr, small pub

    • Halfling patrons

    • SMOL furniture

    • Vinster buys an ale, asks bartender where Timball is

      • In the back, has a topknot
      • Hairgel supporting it lol
    • Dale suggests buying Timball a drink too

      • We do! It’s not ale!
      • Robert gets a water
      • Peacock gets ale
    • Bartender’s name is Mungus

  • We meet w/ Grasstooth

    • He is friendly

    • Wants $$$ (50g up front)

    • Suggests forging some invites

      • Will be lots of people there
      • Vinster talks him down to 30g
      • Jon asks about a quid-pro-quo, “anything in that mansion you might like”
        • Yes!
        • Carved statuette will get us everything we need
        • We agree to to this!
        • Statue is from the Talenta Plains
    • Timball sketches a map on a napkin

      • Back enterance, plot by the Dask to break in
      • Dask are competition??
        • They’re the Boromar clan’s rivals
        • Monster-y types (gnolls, etc) – extortion, violent crime, drugs
      • Timball isn’t too sure – thinks they’re plotting something with fireworks?
      • Suggests asking around the Cogs if we want info on that
    • Marks traps with Xes on the map

    • 12 armed guards, some mounted on raptors

      • Jerry Splinter is their leader, veteran
    • At least 50 guests, nobles

      • Councillor Ilyra Boromar owns the place
    • Statue likely kept in a safe in the basement (probs)

      • Secret door in Ilyra’s office
      • Safe is warded, will need a key or a thief!
    • Other secret doors, only knows the one in the office

    • Makes us a mock-up of an invite to the party on another napkin

      • Stiff paper
      • Guy around the front (1st floor by a tree, south end of the map) – taking invitations
    • Other ingress points

      • Windows for the sunroom are left open
      • Will be smoking meats by the kitchen, should be open
      • Closest enterance is by the pantry – goes to a 2nd floor office
    • Villa made from junglewood, potetial to climb

      • Also trees
      • 2nd floor windows likely to be closed though (pick locks)
    • Statue is small

      • Draws us another sketch!
      • Halfling woman, fertility statue (bobs)
      • Robert asks why he wants it, “don’t worry about that”
    • Party is two days from now @ sunset

  • Talk through plans

    • Find out more about what the Dask are planning so we can take advantage?
      • Jon and Vinster are both opposed to allying w/ them though
      • Vinster is a little racist
  • Steal an invite for Peacock to mimick?

    • We go look around upper city, Robert Normalman spots a halfling woman carrying a document similar to the sketch!
    • Peacock snatches it w/out her noticing
    • Noble name, but Vinster doesn’t know who she is (so we could return it lol)
    • Peacock needs a forgery kit, we buy one for 15gp
      • Makes some invites w/out names
      • 2 average quality, 3 excellent quality
      • Adds our names
        • Jon & Peacock keep the average ones (in case of emergency)
  • Vinster buys Dale Clothes, Fine since he looks like a farmer

    • Peacock buys a tophat + fine adhesive horsehair mustache + monocle as a disguise
  • Vinster, Normalman, and O’Hale head for the Cogs. Jon & Peacock go to scout the villa.

  • Vinster smoozes in a Cogs tavern

    • Fireworks show by Leeroy’s Spark n’ Blast is going to happen!
    • Asks barkeep where their offices are
      • Gives us directions to their warehouse
  • Peacock & Jon scout

    • 5 warriors (tribal gear) roaming outside

    • Boxes of fireworks kept outside, has a guard (who looks longingly at the boxes)

    • Around back, guard w/ dog & locked doors

    • Tables set up on front lawn

    • Setting up a checkpoint at the front gate

    • Some urchins are begging in the back, guards seem to know them (but don’t chase them off)

    • Mounted warriors hiding off in the landscape

    • Burly halfing w/ lazy eye roaming around and unsettling everyone

    • Two guards per floor roaming, ignoring the house staff

    • Guard watching the stairs in the foyer

    • Big Mondo is in the kitchen, monitoring the staff

  • Warehouse is shabby, no roof lol

    • Stack some boxes and planks so we can see in

    • Inside is a wooden lattice (the open ceiling)

    • We hop down into the warehouse

    • Crate has branding (halfling’s face, presumably Leeroy, w/ a firecracker)

    • We hear chatter – we are not alone!

    • We unlock the door & open it and call “hello!”

    • Remo Leeroy greets us & asks us to step outside to talk

    • Vinster starts buttering him up

      • Burning Dragon firework, creates a flaming red dragon in the sky!
      • Asks about smaller-scale things for purchase
        • Buys two dozen rockets
        • Gives us a lot more for 10g
        • Four dozen rockets
      • Robert investigates the explosives he gave us
        • Magical fireworks, decent
      • It’s a new workshop
        • Will be doing the show himself
        • Setting up on the back porch
        • Mid-way through the evening
  • Party syncs up

    • Didn’t find out about the Dask
    • Maybe Peacock can find out?
  • Return to the Cogs w/ the full party

    • Peacock looks for a shady character and thieves cants at them
    • Gets referred to Leeroy’s Spark n Blast
    • Everyone else hang back since they know us (& Jon doesn’t want to arouse suspicion by going w/ Peacock)
  • Peacock meets Remo Leeroy & cants at him

    • Gets invited in!

    • Job pays 30g

    • Needs help moving bombs (w/ some gnolls)

    • Setting up @ back portch

    • Gunna burn the villa down (cuz fuck the boromar yo)

    • Remo is a Dask doppleganger, NOT a halfling !

    • Gnoll muscle doesn’t speak common, but Remo lets them know they should pay attention to where Peacock points & stuff

    • Gnolls just helping move stuff, won’t be at the party – just Remo & Peacock then

    • Peacock slips a note out of the warehouse door

      • Jon notices it
      • We go pick it up
      • Hired, transporting bombs, gunna blow the villa up, will rejoin after its completed
    • Jon suggests having Peacock sabotage the op – we need a distraction

      Mr. Peacock Cry, Esq.,
      I hope this letter finds you well.
      Please make your best effort to sabotage the operation. We require a distraction, not a raging inferno!
      Enjoy your evening, and make sure to get enough sleep!
      Moist Regards,
      Vinster d'Ghallanda
      [signet ring seal]
    • Peacock immediately begins trying to sabotage the warehouse (which is … not what I meant)

    • Large firework in the middle looks like a good thing to sabotage

      • Saw Remo putting powder in it … no end cap yet
  • Robert was going to sleep in a tent

    • Vinster sets him up at a Golden Dragon Inn instead
  • We rest up for the party …