
From Spinach Inquisition
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  • Robert Normalman slept inside a pillow fort in the Golden Dragon Inn
  • Dale sits and thinks
  • Vinster gets dressed
  • Peacock is with Remo Leeroy & the bombs
    • On the way to the villa on a wagon !
  • Jon arranges for a signal w/ Vinster
    • Vinster will hold up a knife

It’s Party Time

  • Peacock & Mr. Leeroy arrive and are directed to the back porch to set up
  • Vinster & co roll up to the steward
    • Present invitations
    • Steward doesn’t have our names
    • But thinks the invite is super legit (and they have our names)
    • Lets us through
  • Vinster gets some champagne
    • Smoozes w/ Lady Periwinkle Saddifrass
    • Dances w/ her
  • Dale talks to a tribal warrior about corn
    • Warrior is here to “perform” for the guests // show of force
  • Robert is hiding in the corner
    • Vinster puts some Friends on him
    • DEFINITELY CONSENTUALLY gets him to drink some champagne
    • Robert throws up in a corner after
  • Vinster finds a room w/ stained glass windows
    • Stairs to the north & east
    • Musicians playing Traditional Halfling Insturments
    • Guests mostly talking business
    • Dale joins, hears some stuff about soil quality in the north
      • Bankrupting someone to claim land by salting their soil
      • Dale is horrified.
      • Dale has a date rape drug???
        • Not a fan of these people talking about salting farms.
  • Vinster & Dale find a roasted meat table
    • Sit next to large halfling stuffing his face
      • Says the ham is the best
    • He grabs a slab of ham for me with his hand and slaps it down in front of me
      • It’s fucking delicious
    • Says his name is Galifar Farfersh
    • Surprised Vinster is at a Ghallanda party
    • Dale sits w/ some seedy character
      • Vegeterian plate on front of them.
      • But no corn.
      • Dale takes offense to their lack of corn consumption.
      • Steward has to intervene cuz they argue about why he isn’t eating corn
      • Dale spills his drink onto the not-eating-corn guy’s shoes
        • Gets up to fight.
        • Vinster convinces the guy to try some corn & he says it’s OK
        • As Dale walks away, the guy throws the corn at him!
        • Dale hexes the motherfucker
        • Guy feels funny & leaves
      • Dale fixes himself a plate of corn (it’s high quality corn)
  • Pair of drunks hanging around the dining room
    • Start fighting
    • Vinster interferes
    • Names are Bob & Gerri
    • Someone spilled wine
      • One is upset that he spilled the wine & wasted fine wine
      • Pushes Jerry
      • Vinster gets him another drink to calm him down
        • He throws it at Jerry
        • They start fighting
    • Guard shows up and grabs Bob
    • Vinster asks Bob what he’s doing here
      • Boromar operative
      • Very important
      • Jerry Fofalli
      • Tries to get some info from him
        • “The documents”
        • Friends him, Jerri hugs him
        • Councillor has an important paper that needs to get translated
        • She’s talking to someone from House Sivis about it
        • Got it from Some Guy
          • Vinster asks if it was from Vek the Grin
          • Jerri denies it
  • Remo compliments Peacock’s mustache
    • Hears someone selling hardboiled eggs!
    • Stan O’Hardigan Eggs!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Remo suggests Peacock get some eggs
    • Pete O’Boyle selling Hardigan eggs for 1c each
  • Vinster hears some grunting
    • Bursts into a bathroom with two halflings fucking by a toilet
    • Bursts out
    • Dale goes in real quick to shill corn
    • They lock the door.
    • Some guest asks Dale what happened
      • Dale says a Boromar has a baby corn penis.
  • Spots the outline of a HIDDEN DOOR
    • Says some shit about rare wine & babycorn penis to Dale
    • Guest near the door skitters off for some wine
  • Automaton w/ a lever inside, it’s an elevator
    • When we fail to present a Boromar signet, it threatens to sound an alarm
    • Dale blasts it
    • Doesn’t kill it, sounds an alarm
    • Dale casts Pass Without Trace so we can escape
    • Hide in the meat freezer while the guards converge
    • They find nothing.
    • Fresh & great quality meat!
    • Square iron plates engraved w/ glowing blue rune
      • Magical freezer (frostbite runes)
    • Crack open the other door to the kitchen
      • Hear Big Mondo directing the chefs
  • Dale goes through people’s coats in the coat closet
    • Mostly marked w/ Boromar heraldry
    • One Cannith, one Sivvis
    • We find a letter in the Sivvis pocket
      • Boromar request for Gandry d’Sivvis to assist in a “matter most delicate”
  • Been here ~2h
    • 30m to fireworks “show”
  • Dale starts more rumours
    • Cook didn’t wash his hands after using bathroom
    • Guests is distressed by this, leaves party.
  • Vinster & Dale sneak up to 2nd floor
    • Voices in the room to the north
    • Sneak around
    • Find a room w/ creepy porcelin dolls.
      • All types
      • What the fuck
      • Cold dead eyes stare eternity into the void
      • One chair in the middle of the room.
      • Many dolls have clothing studden w/ gems and precious metals
      • Dale steals some clothing & smashes dolls
        • One comes to life and screams about THE HUNT ETERNAL
        • Roll for initiative!
        • Dale blasts it
        • Vinster stabs it
        • It’s a tough son of a bitch
        • Doll ends up accidentally impaling itself on its own spear when it falls off the shelf.
        • Vinster takes it
  • Dale puts the doll clothes on Unseen Servant
    • Uses it as a distraction
    • GHOSTS!
    • Guard bumps into us, Vinster stabs him to death while he’s shouting about ghosts.
    • Has some keys on his corpse!
  • Doesn’t open bedroom
    • Does open a tidy office
    • Ledgers, papers, etc
    • Dale checks for more keys
      • Key Charm (v.fancy key)
    • Villa records mostly, nothing exciting
    • Dale puts down that they need to order 200 bushels of corn & 500 lbs of baby corn
  • New key ALSO doens’t open bedroom
  • We find a lounge
    • Pipeweed!
    • Vinster opens the windows in this room
      • Can see Peacock setting up fireworks
      • Show begins soon!
    • Vinster signals Jon from the 2nd floor
    • Jon uses the smoker smoke (from smoking meats) as cover to sneak up to the villa
    • Climbs trellis to join us
  • Jon, Dale, and Vinster try to come up with a way to get the document
    • Undressed unseen servant & gives it a note for Robert telling him to join us upstairs
    • Robert actually gets the note.
  • Dale drops the guard’s corpse in front of Ilyra’s door, knocks and runs off
    • Unseen servant dressed in doll clothes goes into the study as soon as she opens the door
    • She screams, calls guards
  • We run the fuck away and hide in a viewing room
    • Curio cabinets, couches, etc
    • Books, carvings, etc
    • Ferility halfling statue !
    • Talenta plains artifacts, all pretty valuable to collectors
      • We grab it
      • Jon grabs some smaller items too (8 figurines)
      • Thinks Other People would be interested in these items & they maaaaaaay attract attention
  • Guards talking to Ilyra
    • They remove the body
    • Guard captain talks to her about it
    • They start sweeping the floor
  • Guard captain Gerry Splinter bursts in, weapon drawn
    • Vinster calms him down by acting like he belongs here
    • He’s still suspicious, asks everyone else who they are
    • Not deceived by Jon
    • Says we all have to stay put while they search for the murderer
  • Leeroy announces the show is about to begin!
    • Sir Peacock is instructed to light the firework
    • Shit. Gets. Real.
    • Dragon firework goes straight towards the villa
    • Big ass dragon lands on the roof, bursts like napalm, showers the roof.
  • We smell smoke
    • Also shouts of terror
    • Everyone fleeing
    • Vinster snags a key off her as she flees
  • Smoke is building up
    • We stop in the library
    • Another halfling automaton, deactivated
    • Gandry d’Sivis is like “ok hi gotta run since the building is on fire bye”
  • We get into the master bedroom w/ the key Vinster lifted
    • Dale spots a button on a dresser
    • Vinster grabs a journal off her desk
    • Pile into the secret elevator
  • An outbreak of panic as people flee & guards run around
    • Robert peaks out of his tent and sees everything is on fire.
    • His tent catches fire :-(
  • Remo Leeroy flees w/ Peacock, laughing about the whole thing
  • In the basement
    • Jon finds a hole full of (literal) shit
    • Crates w/ mundane supplies
      • Jon takes some rope
    • Jon notices a weird segment of the wall
  • Locked chests in secret room, Vinster able to open w/ guard’s key ring
    • x4 Small leather armour
    • 1x Studded leather armour
    • Assortment of weapons
  • Torture chamber!
    • Rack, crate w/ daggers and surgical tools, ice pick, chair has no bottom w/ bucket next to it
    • Hole in western wall, could squeeze through
    • Safe in the torture chamber too
      • Key charm opens it!
      • One single document inside & silver circlet
      • Stash of cheques, 10x precious stones
      • Vinster grabs doc, shoves the rest of the stuff into Jon’s bag
  • Jon, Dale, and Vinster escape the burning villa!
    • Hole led to a gutter
    • Villa is burning to the fucking ground.
    • They head for the tavern that they met Kavill at, hoping the others join
  • Peacock is paid 50g by Remo
    • “The Dask will certainly be calling on you again”
    • Morphs back to his normal changeling form and wanders off
  • Normalman is watching the villa burn down w/ the rest of the guests
    • Avoids eye contact w/ people, doesn’t want to talk to anyone