Starfinder:Adventure Log/2018-08-17

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Doing It

  • Junk feeds the Renkrota a ded cat. It seems pleased.

  • H4NZ analyzes corpse of attacker. It's an Ancient Drift Dead.

    • They can phase into the mateiral plane. They're like wraiths.
    • It's been around for THOUSAND OF YEARS.
    • Weakest in the drift (they're corporeal there), so easier to dmg them there & their ghost bullshit doesn't work
  • This region is believed to have played host to 3 advanced civs, the Kish included.

    • Maybe one was the Sivv!
    • This could have been a dead sun!
  • We arrive in Njaeor.

    • Gas giant (Njaeor VI) is the only important planet.
    • H4NZ scans the system.
      • Crossreffing the starcharts & scanner, he picks up small bodies that are mostly molten rock. Nothing significant.
      • Focused scan on the gas giant show XTREME levels of radiation
        • We find something inside the giant -- a large magical presence.
        • Something thats akin to a city or space station too
  • We watch a documentary about the Burning Archipelego. Narrarator is annoying.

  • No port authority transponder for this weird city.

    • H4NZ finds a landing spot?
    • More electricity disabled our thrusters! V.slow
    • Junk fixes the engines
    • H4NZ fixes the shields
    • I DO A BARREL ROLL INTO A SLIPSTREAM. We see a wonderous city on the other side!
    • City of gold, atmosphereic bubbles
    • FOUND A LANDING SPOT, THX H4NZ. It's a landing zone for smaller ships, but unoccupied.
  • After landing, we see a giant storm cloud int he middle of our bubble. It's guarding a giant citadel.

    • Everything is magic. The bubbles are pure magic.
    • The floor is a valuble alloy made from metals native to this system.
    • Theo: SHOOT THE FLOOR. H4NZ: no wait thats a fucking terrible id- JUNK: LOL ILL SHOOT IT
    • Volkas runs after him to stop him shooting the floor
  • Landing platform has a forcefield around it.

    • We find a sun art. Gowena believes this is a representation of Njeor's sun.
    • Junk finds a plaque and takes the bit with strange writing.
      • Same language from drift rock.
      • Junk brings it over & I comprehend
      • Istamak, the Golden city of Njaeor, Blessed Be!
    • The heap of junk we find is Pact Worlds tech, probably a broken shielding device.
    • There's magic goop in here. Some of the goop is in the junk heap.
      • Magic fluid is probably a power source.
  • Proceed further in, find a hallway w/ cloud of weirdness

    • This is a broken bridge
    • Magical byproduct of something is bleeding in, it's radioactive AF
  • We find a magic computer!

    • h4nz touches it and a hologram appears!
    • Comprehend lang: Weather Control, it has two safeguards
      • Circle w/ two purple rectangles below
      • Maybe it controls the storm around the citadel?
      • Mash the two buttons. Left -> Right. Left is disabled, right is blocked.
      • PUZZLE. Safeeguard: each row must be unique, cannot be 3 of same number straight.
    • After solving puzzle, we get weather control: Spire Defense, atmospheric defense
      • Disabled atmospheric defenses
      • Disabled spire defenses, ETA 30m
      • Trying to produce a light snow
        • Tutoring H4NZ on the language
        • There's a cooling system that we could hook the weather system up to, but we have to activate the cooling system
      • We set up a username and password sexrobot / hewantssex6969xxx
  • Junk is on the ship w/ rankrota and Biscuit. Something prys the door open while he's jerking off in the bathroom.

    • Reptilebird x2, feral and humanoid
    • Biscuit throws a penis at the creature in an attempt to intimidate it.
      • Success!
    • They repel the boarders!
  • == I find some feral humanoid reptileavians eating the magic goop. ==