Starfinder:Adventure Log/2019-01-18

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Anritan lab purchased by AbadarCorp

Doing It

  • We have H4NZ help the surviving guard
  • Bystanders gather & call the authorities
    • We BS them and tell them the guard can be taken to the infirmary inside
  • Junk is sneaking in
  • H4NZ kills the cameras that recorded our explosion
  • We're on a catwalk w/ elevator, plants and shit below us
    • Junk shoots the controls (???) & H4NZ fixes them
    • We go down to the plant floor
  • As the elveator descends, plants start penetrating it and stop it
    • Junk burns some flowers away
    • They release toxic spore clouds oh god
      • Junk gets lung cancer or something
    • Popo life bubbles everybody
    • Volkas is murdering vines with his fire sword
  • Mustly lab, overgrowth and moss everywhere
  • Junk finds a body. Flowers start coming out of it and animate the corpse...
    • Junk starts firing on it and burning the vines away
    • Vines need proximity to body parts to control them, it seems?
  • We find some Abadar staff barricaded in a room & they say everything went to shit
    • There's some kind of heart in the main lab?
    • Dr Carlin steps up, he has weird augments with plants in them
    • AbadarCorp was interested in the Heart of Anritan to extract some of its fluids
      • They want to make medicine from its sap -- the sap is what animated the dead in this lab
      • Also weaponize it
    • Abadar would like to make it dormant
    • We ask the Abadar fellows if they'd be willing to help us w/ the HappyCo problem if we help them with the lab problem
      • Dr Carlin signs a contract & we head off w/ their party to try and neutralize the heart
  • We go to the Heart Chamber and find an email chain on a lab computer
    • Xenowardens with weird sinister rhetoric ?
    • Popo does telepathy & it grabs his mind
    • Abadar guards get freaked out by Heart saying it wants us to sacrifice them & they stay behind to "repair the elevator"
  • Junk & Theo get mind controlled when we enter the heart room
    • Junk straight up MURDERS an AbadarCorp guard from behind
    • H4NZ hacks the nutrient / light control systems
  • Heart blows the Dr's head up before it goes to sleep
  • Computer: Xenowardens grew this fucker because they wanted to do the plant-zombie bullshit
    • We need an antidote ...
    • Theo pulls a sample of the nutrient solution & gives it to H4NZ to he can make a serum for Junk
    • Junk licks it off the floor while nibbling on a corpse
  • The Abadar dudes repaired the elevator while we took care of the heart
    • They're upset the Dr is dead but we talk them down from murdering us
    • We send Volkas up invisible to make the cuffed guard 100% more unconscious & not obviously cuffed
    • We tell the guards HappyCo bombed their office
    • They go off to file a report
  • Popo throws the Xenowarden seeds into a nearby bush
    • A doorway sprouts
    • Three dudes pop out, one is super weird Android-y Plant-y guy
    • They pay us 5,000c per person for securing the lab
    • Then they fuck off (lol?)

Next Time

  • Rest
  • Find Gary @ Fireside