Starfinder:Adventure Log/2019-03-22

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  • We are inside the Grinstar!

Doing It

  • Volkas tries exposition and we give him shit
    • He got onto that from a mutiny but his story had no mutiny in it???
    • Junk interrupts Volkas
    • Him and Pako used to work on a wild-west style planet
    • They fought crime boss Mr. Big
    • Ambushed Pako & killed :(
    • OMG it ended up being a Titanic: The Animted Film reference lmao
    • Also this story was in between shits
  • Junk is fondling Scooter
  • Volkas talks to the AI glove (Sauramet)
    • Know much about Mr. Happy the Technolich?
    • Doesn't know about Mr. Happy specifically, but suggests an EMP to kill a technolich
  • We try to bully Scooter into going out first
    • Popo gives him his pants back & Junk gets one last ass-slap in
    • Scooter is crying
  • The bay smells like blown up shit, so Theo lifebubbles the party.
    • Popo gives Scooter a plastic bag to help him with the smell.
    • He puts it on his head and starts dying.
    • "Your magic is so powerful!"
  • There is a door to exit the bay; it's damaged and opening/closing
    • "As former employees, we would be remiss to let this SHOSHA (Space OSHA) violation to continue!"
    • H4NZ fixes the door & we clamber under it
  • Alarm going off in the hall - Lucielle's voice telling everyone about the hull breach
    • We find a screen down the hall flashing red
    • It's a directory!
    • Tofinkle Reserve
    • HappyBot Manufacturing & HotSwap
    • End of Adventure Trash Compactor
    • Reeducational Resort / Prison Pod
    • Sever Room & Power Core
    • 75% of the Grinstar's mass is dedicated to armour, weapon systems, and power
  • Robot army?
    • Volkas thinks Mr. Happy could just posses them if we go make a bunch of robots
    • Maybe it's better to blow it up so he can't reinforce the Grinstar
    • Theo asks Junk to go scout it out and see if it's producing robots & if its worth sabatgoing
    • Well fuck.
    • He randomly gets to HappyBot Fabrication!
  • Fabrication room - tempered glass w/ a large door to see in
    • 3D printer w/ a huge conveyor
    • It's actively producing robots with lots of guns
    • Places chips in their heads at the end of the process & then screws on a HappyCo Smile Faceplate.
  • Junk tries to shoot the door open, fails, and then chews on it
    • H4NZ remote hacks it open while Junk chews on the door lol
    • Junk wildly fires a laser machinegun
    • Starts destroying the factory & robots
    • Rifle gets stuck firing when Junk drops it lmao
  • Theo calls for Junk to bring him a battery from the manufactory
    • Junk throws one at Theo
    • Theo uses his shiny new Explosive Blast to fire the battery into the room and BLOW IT UP
    • We blow it up.
    • Lucielle: "HappyBot Fabrication Destroyed" -- sending reserve HappyBots to hunt us down :-(
    • We decide to head for the prison pod next.
  • HappyBots come at us saying "HAPPY HAPPY DESTROY THEO WATTLEWAGGLER"
    • Theo says Happy Happy -- they want that way!
    • Everyone else points them that way too
    • Most of the HappyBots buy our bullshit (Popo rolled a nat20 on bluff) and head off, but some stay & scan us
    • H4NZ disrupts the bot that says he's calling for reinforcements
    • We start fucking them up
  • Woooow they have a flamethrower and it hurts
    • Junk does a DOUBLE CRIT YO
    • Scooter tries to flee, but Theo yells at him to attack with the teleportato
    • He hits a robot w/ the teleportato and then it starts shaking violently where it landed.
    • HappyBot shoots the teleportato :o
      • The teleportato is destroyed. A pile of ash is all that remains.
    • Scooter goes apeshit and tries to punch the robot
    • H4NZ tries to override another bot!
      • Boo failed :-(
  • Scooter finds a massive gun
    • He can't actually lift it
    • He fires a huge line of plasma from the gun on the floor lmao
    • Mr. Unseen holds it for him
  • We find a massive pit.
    • We have Scooter (try) to toss the lid from one of the crates into the pit.
    • He can't lift it lol
    • Volkas throws the lid
    • "I'd toss Popo but not Scooter"
    • We do not ever hear the lid hit the bottom (wew)
    • Scooter is climbing a wire across the bottomless pit.
    • There is nothing over there. There's a room on the far side though!
    • Scooter tries to jump the 5ft gap to the other room
      • Yeah no. He's gunna fall and die.
      • Popo snaps into action w/ the jetpack and tries to grab Scooter
      • Scooter flubs and ends up grabbing Popo's foot
      • Popo successfully saves Scooter from dying horribly.
    • Popo finds boxes of robot parts & one with a hard pink susbstance
      • Pink candy bars
      • Popo throws some into the platform in the middle of the pit
      • Scooter makes a bridge w/ the robot parts so he can get back over
    • Popo inspects the door
      • Prison pods inside? but can't open
    • Scooter makes a bridge to go over the larger gap so we can all get to the door
    • Junk tries to be fancy and acrobatic to get over the gap and nearly fucking dies (twice)
  • Everyone crosses & we head into the prison area


  • Probably liberate some prisoners? idk
  • We need to do something bad to the technolich, get the tofinkle recipe (there is a reserve aboard), and seize the stellar degenerator core