Starfinder:Adventure Log

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 01:35, 24 March 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs)
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This is a log of all of our adventures.

Current Status

The Spinach Inquisitors are fighting through the Grinstar. They have bravely destroyed the HappyBot Fabrication bay and fought through the HappyBot reserves!

Volkas is still shitting himself after the poop-shoot backfired.


These are the major arcs of the campaign:

- HappyCo Induction - The Drift Rock - Investigating the Cult of the Devourer - Trucs Bout à Bout Incident - Degenerator Core - Return of the Grinstar: HappyCo Strikes Back


Note that these are from the perspective of Theo.

Special Editions