Starfinder:Adventure Log

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 03:25, 8 June 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Current Status)
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This is a log of all of our adventures.

Current Status

The Spinach Inquisition, minus Junk, has arrived for an an all-expenses-paid three-week vacation at New Elysium. A dark entity is affecting the guests, culminating in a quarantine being declared.

A dark curse has afflicted the resort, causing guests to hallucinate and become violent. Billy Naise had it the worst, eventually murdering the gardener. The Inquisition sedated him, which seemed to break him free from the control of the entity.

After days of investigation and work, the Spinach Inquisition has drugged an Eclipse employee and made their way into a mysterious area.

Current curse effects: Billy Naise is super high. Theo's emotions have become deadened.

The chief of security hates the Spinach Inquisition a little bit less.


These are the major arcs of the campaign:


Note that these are from the perspective of Theo.

Special Editions