Starfinder:Adventure Log

From Spinach Inquisition
Revision as of 02:24, 15 July 2019 by Owls (talk | contribs) (Current Status)
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This is a log of all of our adventures.

Current Status

The Spinach Inquisition successfully disabled the signal that was causing the curse. Its spread has stopped, but its effects linger upon the minds of Elysium's surviving guests. Notably, the Buzzblades, Bono K. Rono, and several high-level Elysium staff did not survive the carnage.

During their egress, the Spinach Inquisition captured the Elysium chief of security.

Billy Naise took a different ship to escape. The Spinach Inquisition rigged it to blow, and Billy Naise is presumed dead.


These are the major arcs of the campaign:


Note that these are from the perspective of Theo.

Special Editions